Cannabis Grow Guide by Royal Queen Seeds

Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

So, you’ve read about Do-Si-Dos Automatic’s relaxing effects and sugary sweet flavours. The next logical step is to get some seeds in the soil! To help you with this process, I’ve detailed a Do-Si-Dos Automatic week-by-week grow guide below. You’ll discover all of the equipment I used and the steps I took to ensure a successful and rewarding harvest.

Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report: Equipment List

I used the following gear to raise my seeds into thriving, mature specimens.

  • Box: Secret Jardin DS120W 120 × 60 × 178
  • Lights: MIGRO 200+
  • Ventilation: Prima Klima filter PK 100/125
  • Fan: Oscillating Koala Fan
  • Humidifier: Beurer LB 45
  • Soil: Biobizz Light Mix
  • Pot: 11l Air-Pot
  • Seed: Royal Queen Seeds
  • Nutrition: RQS Organic Nutrition and other organic nutrients

Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report: Seeding Stage (Week 1)

Find out what I did during the seedling phase to give my plant the best possible start in life.

  • Germination: I decided to take a simple approach to germination. Although I’ve used the RQS Starter Kit to great effect previously, I decided to sow my seed directly into its final pot. After prepping the growing medium, I made a hole with a depth of 3cm and inserted the seed. Then, I covered it with a loose layer of growing medium and misted the sowing site.
  • Lighting: While waiting for germination to occur, I decided to get the light set up. I suspended the MIGRO 200+ from the top of the grow box and used the hanging wires to position it 35cm from the rim of my Air-Pot. I turned my light on to run for 24 hours per day as soon as the shoot emerged from the soil.
  • Growing medium: I created a growing medium using organic nutrients and biological inputs to provide my plant with vital minerals and to promote the colonisation of beneficial microbes. To begin, I filled my Air-Pot with 6l of Biobizz Light Mix. I then added and thoroughly mixed in the following inputs:

Next, I added another 3l of Biobizz Light Mix and incorporated it into the container. Finally, I added a 1l layer on top to allow the roots of my seedling to establish themselves without the risk of nutrient burn.

  • Environment: I used my humidifier in an attempt to create an environment with a humidity of around 65% to aid germination. However, due to external conditions, humidity hovered at around 40%.
  • Plant status: By the end of week 1, my seedling stood at around 5cm, appeared strong and proportionate, and started to develop its first set of true leaves.
Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report: Vegetative Stage (Weeks 2–4)

Week 2 marked the start of the vegetative phase. During this time, my plant packed on size quickly and developed vibrant fan leaves to drive photosynthesis. My thoughtful approach to feeding throughout this phase resulted in luscious and fast vegetative growth.

Week 2

I could already see signs of my young plant benefitting from the nutrients and biology in the initial growing medium. For this reason, I only followed a light nutrient regimen for the following weeks.

  • Lighting: I continued to run my grow light for 24 hours each day to maximise photosynthesis.
  • Nutrients: I applied 1.5l of water adjusted to a pH of 6.5 on day 2 of week 2. On day 4, I added 2.5ml of a humic acid and seaweed formula into 1l of water and applied it as a root drench.
  • Environment: I turned my fan on during the start of week 2 in an attempt to strengthen the root system and stem. The temperature hovered around 27°C and humidity remained at 40%.
  • Plant status: By the end of week 2, my young vegetating plant reached a height of 8.5cm and had three sets of true leaves on display.
Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Week 3

My plant continued to grow steadily during week 3, with no signs of deficiency or disease.

  • Lighting: I repositioned my light 35cm away from the top of my plant and continued to run it for 24 hours each day.
  • Nutrients: I followed a similar watering and feeding schedule to the previous week. I watered with 1.5l of pH-adjusted water on day 2. For an extra nitrogen kick, I decided to add 2.5ml of fish mix into 1l of water, administered on day 4 of the week.
  • Environment: Temperature stayed at 27°C and humidity at 40%.
  • Plant status: I noticed that my plant’s stem seemed slightly thicker and more vigorous since turning on the fan last week. She stood at 23cm by the end of week 3 and had developed several new sets of healthy and turgid leaves.
Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Week 4

The final week of veg. My plant surged in height during this time, doubling in size from the previous week. To facilitate this growth, I changed my feeding programme to provide key macronutrients and micronutrients.

  • Lighting: Lights stayed on for 24 hours each day.
  • Nutrients: I watered with 1.5l of pH-adjusted water on day 2 of the week. On day 4, I added 1.5ml of CaMg+ and half of an RQS Easy Grow Booster Tablet to 1.5l of water and applied it as a root drench.
  • Environment: Temperature remained at 27°C and humidity increased slightly to 45%.
  • Plant status: My plant had reached a height of 60cm by the end of the vegetative phase. I noticed preflowers starting to form at the nodes and a very subtle smell of terpenes starting to permeate the air.
Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report: Flowering Stage (Weeks 5–10)

Week 5 marked the start of the flowering phase. During this period, I spent time reducing the risk of mould formation, applying nutrients to facilitate flower formation, and flushing to achieve the tastiest buds possible.

Weeks 5 & 6

I kicked off week 5 by defoliating my plant to improve airflow and mitigate the risk of mould and other pathogens. I also switched up the nutrients to focus more on phosphorus and potassium, and less on nitrogen.

  • Lighting: I continued to keep the light on for 24 hours each day during the first week of the flowering stage. I then reduced this to 18 hours on and 6 hours off during the second week of flowering.
  • Nutrients: Once again, I applied 1.5l of pH-adjusted water on day 2 of weeks 5 and 6. On day 4 of both weeks, I mixed the following into 1l of water:
  • 1.5ml sugar beet extract
  • 1.5ml complete organic flowering liquid fertiliser
  • 1.5ml seaweed fertiliser
  • 1.5ml humic and fulvic acid blend
  • Environment: Temperature dropped slightly to 26°C and humidity remained at 45%.
  • Plant status: I defoliated the lower leaves of my plant at the start of week 5 to improve airflow and divert resources toward the young buds. My untrained plant took on the quintessential Christmas tree shape and the central colas started to take form. She stood at 92cm at the end of week 6, after stretching during the previous two weeks.
Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Week 7

My plant continued to cruise through the flowering stage; her buds carried on swelling, and the aroma of terpenes became more apparent.

  • Lighting: I continued to run my light for 18 hours each day.
  • Nutrients: I simplified my feeding strategy this week. Again, I applied 1.5l of pH-adjusted water on day 2 of the week. On day 4, I mixed half of an RQS Easy Grow Booster Tablet to 1.5l of water. I also added 1.5ml of CaMg+ as a preventative root drench measure against deficiencies.
  • Environment: Temperature reduced to 25°C. I kept the door of the grow box open for periods to allow humidity to drop to 40%, to reduce the chances of mould formation on the flowers.
  • Plant status: My plant stood at its final height of 93cm. The central cola became substantially larger at the end of this week, and the flanking flowers also started to swell and became more resinous.
Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Week 8

Things started to get smelly at week 8. At this point, I could smell the terpenes without even opening up the grow box. The flowers had filled out and the lower leaves started to yellow slightly. My plant had stopped growing vertically as it pumped all of its energy into the formation of flowers.

  • Lighting: I increased the light cycle to 20 hours on and 4 hours off.
  • Nutrients: I once again gave my plant 1.5l of water on day 2 of the week. On day 4, I administered the following formula in 1.5l of water as the final feed:
  • 1.5ml CaMg+
  • 3ml sugar beet extract
  • 3ml complete organic flowering liquid fertiliser
  • 3ml humic and fulvic acid blend
  • 3ml seaweed fertiliser
  • Environment: The average temperature hovered around 25°C and humidity at 40%. I kept the fan running 24 hours a day to promote airflow and stave off mould.
  • Plant status: My plant looked great at this point. The buds were coated in clear trichomes, hinting that harvest was not far away.
Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Weeks 9 & 10

I flushed my plant during the final two weeks to encourage it to use up any stored nutrients. This method is believed by some to make for tasty buds that are far smoother to smoke.

  • Lighting: I kept the lighting on for 20 hours each day.
  • Nutrients: I restricted all feeding and applied 2l of pH-regulated water on days 2 and 4 of both weeks.
  • Environment: Temperature stayed at 25°C and humidity at 40%.
  • Plant status: By the end of the flushing phase, most of the fan leaves turned pale yellow, and lower leaves began to drop off. The buds started to take on a deep purple appearance (a sign of chlorophyll removal and anthocyanin expression). Using a loupe, I found most of the trichomes to display a milky white appearance—a sure-fire sign to start harvesting.
Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Guide: Harvest (Week 11)

I removed the buds using Curved Trimming Scissors. I hung up a Herb Dryer and placed the buds inside, making sure none of them were touching. I aimed the fan toward the flowers to create some ambient airflow without over-drying them. After five days, the stems reached a point where they snapped instead of bent. I dry-trimmed the sugar leaves and used them to make some hash. Altogether, my plant yielded 113g. I then transitioned the buds into Weed Jars to cure for 6 weeks.

Do-Si-Dos Automatic Grow Report

Do-Si-Dos Automatic: Genetic Attributes

As you’ve seen, it doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to grow Do-Si-Dos Automatic. If you’re happy to compromise slightly on yield, you can grow her with a very hands-off approach. This cultivar inherited hardy genetics from parent strains Do-Si-Dos and Cookies Auto, and mostly looks after herself. Together, these legendary varieties gave rise to a genetic profile consisting of 60% indica, 35% sativa, and 5% ruderalis. This progeny also received good looks from her predecessors, and features long, dense colas with spatters of purple, orange, and dark green.

Growing Traits of Do-Si-Dos Automatic

Do-Si-Dos Automatic maintains a medium size whether grown indoors or outdoors, making her a suitable cultivar for growers with limited space. Indoor plants grow to 80–120cm and sit comfortably within small grow tents and boxes. You can expect to harvest up to 400g/m² after a flowering time of 7–8 weeks. Outdoors, plants peak at a height of 140cm—small enough to blend in with surrounding crops such as broad beans, sweetcorn, and peas. Plants pump out up to 150g/plant ready to harvest 9–10 weeks after shoots emerge from the soil.

Flavours and Effects of Do-Si-Dos Automatic

Do-Si-Dos Automatic will hit the spot if you’re in the mood for some quiet relaxation. Keep a stash of these buds ready for when you feel the sudden urge to go and swing in a hammock, read a book in your garden, or meditate in the forest. Her indica-dominant genetic profile and THC content of 20% serve up a high that melts the body while keeping the mind clear and lucid. A terpene profile characterised by tastes of candy and citrus adds another layer of pleasure to the experience.

Do-Si-Dos Auto
Do-Si-Dos x Cookies Auto
350 - 400 gr/m2
80 - 120 cm
7 - 8 weeks
THC: 20%
Sativa 35% Indica 60% Ruderalis 5%
100 - 150 gr/plant
100 - 140 cm
9 - 10 weeks after sprouting

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