• Easy Boost Organic Nutrition
  • Vertafort 100g
  • Easy Boost Organic Nutrition

Easy Boost Organic Nutrition

Easy Boost offers users a complete feeding solution for their cannabis. A single dose of Easy Boost provides enough food for 10-12 weeks, meaning you feed once and let Easy Boost do the rest! The Easy Boost 100g pack is an ideal dose for 2-3 plants, and will help maintain healthy growth and encourage generous yields. 1kg of Easy Boost is enough to feed roughly 20-25 plants.
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Easy Boost: A Complete Nutritional Feed for Your Cannabis, Growing Made Easy

Video id: 484359176

Using Easy Boost makes growing stress-free for both the grower and the plants. Easy Boost harnesses a gradual timed-release technology, ensuring plants are continually fed a steady and healthy flow of organic nutrition. It will keep your little beauties fed for 10-12 weeks, helping maintain and boost growth, which in turn produces better yields. It is sure to put a smile on your face!

How to Use Easy Boost Organic Nutrition

  1. Mix 50-100g of Easy Boost into your soil (20L)
  2. Plant your seed and ensure proper hydration / care
  3. Enjoy the easy growing of Easy Boost!

Ingredients and Origin

The contents of Easy Boost come from natural sources, as you can see in the content and origin lists below:

Organic nitrogen (N) 6%
Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) 7%
Potassium oxide (K2O) 12%
Sulfur trioxide (SO3) 10%
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 2%
Organic material 30%
Organic nitrogen By-product of hides
Phosphorous Bone meal
Potassium Potassium sulfate
Magnesium Dolomite

RQS Nutrients: The Best
Fertilisers for Cannabis

Easy Roots Rhizobacter
Easy Roots Trichoderma
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix
Bat Guano
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition
Easy Grow Booster Tablets
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets
Easy Combo Booster Pack
Easy Plus Micronutrients
Thicker Flowers
Bigger Flowers
Sweeter Flowers
Incompatible (unless used in separate phases of growth) High in phosphorous (check Special considerations for each product)

    By S. J. on 10/Jul/2024 :

    Title : Jul
    Comment : Très bien !

    By D. C. on 02/Jul/2024 :

    Title : Does what it says on the tin
    Comment : Only used once and provided enough nutrients for majority of my grow however I did still use some of my own nutrients towards the end of my grow. Excellent for beginner or anyone looking for an easy grow.

    By H. J. on 11/Jun/2024 :

    Title : jeromeRN
    Comment : Bonjour,jai bien recut les 3 pack,merci.Mais il n'yavait pas le doseur en forme de cone dedans,pourriez vous m'en envoyer un?merci.

    By I. C. on 16/May/2024 :

    Title : Good stuff
    Comment : For an all round organic nutrient this is by far The most cost effective and simple way of feeding you plants. High quality nutrients!!

    By T. W. on 09/May/2024 :

    Title : Easy Boost organic
    Comment : Gave the plant everything it needs for growing big and healthy. Its easy to use and helps a lot!!! Looking forward to use again.

    By J. M. on 09/May/2024 :

    Title : Brilliant works everytime
    Comment : Fantastic healthy strong beautiful plants thankyou

    By P. O. on 09/Apr/2024 :

    Title : Patryk
    Comment : I heard from my friends that’s the booster is awesome to use in your Baby’s, did mix all up and cannot await results 👌

    By H. B. on 03/Apr/2024 :

    Title : Gødnings Piller
    Comment : Første gang jeg prøver denne type gødning, har prøvet i potter indendørs.. Krydser mine fingre for virkningen, har købt Guano for en sikkerheds skyld

    By A. A. on 03/Apr/2024 :

    Title : Grummi
    Comment : Erinnert etwas an das Tierfutter in Tierparks. Hat seinen Zweck aber gut erfüllt und die Pflanzen mit so ziemlich allem versorgt was man als Laie hinzugeben muss, war mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden.

    By M. V. on 03/Apr/2024 :

    Title : Easy Boost - Easy to use!
    Comment : Easy to use and really good for your plants. I premiss you, you need this, its really good!

    By A. S. on 21/Mar/2024 :

    Title : Da abbinare a Easy Roots - Mix di Micorrize
    Comment : Una combo utilissima per preparare il terreno prima di crescere la vostra piantina, nutrienti a lento rilascio e durano abbastanza da fornire il giusto supporto nutritivo

    By R. B. on 18/Mar/2024 :

    Title : Er Be
    Comment : die einfachste art zu düngen

    By T. P. on 21/Feb/2024 :

    Title : Recomended
    Comment : Did the job, very easy grow

    By A. I. on 20/Feb/2024 :

    Title : Easy use
    Comment : Very easy to use and good quality

    By D. S. on 23/Jan/2024 :

    Title : Ottimi tempi di spedizione
    Comment : Prodotti arrivati in pochi giorni, ora non mi rimane solo che testarli, vi farò sapere.

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From Rob | 2018-10-16 09:36:13

Do you need to grind up the pellets r just scatter them whole;)

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can grind them however you just need to add them as they are!

From George Asfour | 2018-08-17 22:18:49

can i use this with easy gloom ? or ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, it is compatible

From Diego Cayupe Vargas | 2018-08-09 06:38:15

Sirve para crecimiento y floración?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Si, se usa para los dos periodos.

From Max Bardo | 2018-07-15 20:19:54

Hello. Can I use this with easy start? I mean, can I transplant the seeds after easy start to a bigger pots with soil that is mixed with easy boots? ) Thanks!

Royal Queen Seeds Team


From nik | 2018-07-15 00:12:15

hi I wanted to ask easy boost is good as nutrients for vegetative, or in flowering of the plant or we need to add some other product

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can use this product as the only nutrient source for your plant either for the growing and the flowering time. Do not mix different nutrients as the plants could be overfed.

From Nicola Pieri | 2018-07-09 14:50:19

can i use on coco?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, it should be no problem.

From Gabriele | 2018-07-03 02:46:47

It's possible to use it with autoflowering plants?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, there is no problem.

From Giovanni | 2018-07-01 15:07:29

Hi, I'd like to know if I can use Easy Boot also with autoflowering plant

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, it is suitable for both Autoflowering and Feminized.

From Giu | 2018-06-25 15:51:55

Is it possible to add this product after having the plant transplanted into the soil? For istance, could I simply scatter it on the top of the soil instead of mixing it uniformly? Thank you in advance.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You have to add the product before transplanting the seed, so it will be spread all over the soil.

From George | 2018-06-23 15:02:40

Could I use with easy grow tablets together?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, it is perfectly compatible!

From Giovanni | 2018-06-20 14:16:27

È possibile usarlo con il vostro starter kit Autofiorente ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can use it once the plant has started to grow, not for the germination.

From Toon | 2018-06-14 22:29:51

Heb een paar plantjes, autflowers 4 a 5 weken jong in potten in plagron batmix aarde. Ze gaan nu bloeien. Is het zinvol om wat korrels toe te voegen aan de aarde ? En zo ja hoeveel ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can use this product during the flowering stage.

From beerluyten | 2018-06-01 15:46:46

Wanneer is het de bedoeling dat men deze voedingsstoffen toevoegd? Ik las dat het gevaarlijk is voor de plant als je ze tijdens de ontkieming al voedingsstoffen geeft omdat ze dan teveel zouden opnemen.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can use this product after the germination.

From Sven | 2018-05-22 14:35:53

Hallo, ik ga binnenkort 3 planten laten groeien alleen heb ik een vraag over de voeding. Als ik dit product koop is het genoeg om mijn planten optimaal te laten groeien of moet ik hierbij ook nog andere producten aanschaffen? mvg

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can use this product as the only nutrient source for your plant. We do not recommend to mix different nutrients as the plants could be overfed.

From Constantin Christeleit | 2018-05-21 14:01:26

Is this an alternative to perlite? also, Would it be okay to add it even though my plant is about 2 weeks old or would it be best to add it on a new grow? Regards, Btw my order has still not arrived! 14 days..

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that this is a Nutrition product, the perlite fulfill a different purpose. Please read more about it in the following article: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-perlite-and-cannabis-cultivation-n697

From Jappe | 2018-05-19 08:26:12

Do you put the nutriants richt below the base of the plant? And can you ure a blue-mat auto watering system with this or does it need more water?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that the instructions on how to use this product are very detailed in the upper description. You still need to water your plants, this is only for nutrition purposes.

From John | 2018-05-16 18:53:54

If you have to mix this with soil, then plant your seed, how do you feed this to your plants when they are already growing? Or you are not supposed to do that?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

A single dose of Easy Boost provides enough food for 10-12 weeks, meaning you feed once and let Easy Boost do the rest.

From luc | 2018-05-15 05:57:38

is it to much for the plant if i use this product and even easygrow easybloom and easycombo??

Royal Queen Seeds Team

No, Easy Grow and Easy Bloom are compatible with this product.

From Alex | 2018-05-07 20:13:58

When should you add this nutrient? in the beginning of the grow or when it starts to flower?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can start adding the Easy Boost Organic nutrition after sprouting your seeds.

From Fred | 2018-02-11 10:28:14

Is het met deze voeding nodig om te spoelen aan het eind van de cyclus?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We recommend to always flush the plants if you are using nutrients or fertilizers! https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-how-and-when-to-flush-marijuana-plants-n312

From Luca Gotti | 2018-01-17 09:46:55

How many grams should I use for a Quick one autoflowering seed?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You should use the same amounts for all the strains there are no specs for each strain.

From Selcuk Yigit | 2017-12-28 00:04:31

Do you recommend for Auto seeds? Or is there a better way to feed?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can use it for Autoflowering Strains as well.

From ctk | 2017-10-30 03:26:44

Can I use these in indoors or online outdoors?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All our Strains are suitable to be planted indoor or outdoors.

From Davie | 2017-10-08 23:36:56

While using this product so I still have to pH up/down or can water just be used

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We recommend to always control the PH of the water.

From Mathew | 2017-10-01 14:33:02

Does this product have enough nutrients for both vegetative growth and flowering, or do you recommend using Phosphorus fertilizer when in flower? Thank you for your answer.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Vertafort could be enough as a nutrient. However, we could also recommend you our Vertafort Growth Booster for the vegetative phase and Vertafort Bloom Booster to stimulate the flowering process.

From javier felix | 2017-09-26 22:57:51

could I use this and still feed my plants nutrients

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We do not recommend to mix different nutrients as the plants could be overfed. We have never done it :)

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