Bat Guano: Loaded With Crucial Cannabis Nutrients
Royal Queen Seeds Bat Guano serves up high quantities of enzymes, NPK, and micronutrients essential to cannabis plant growth and hefty yields. As a completely natural and organic substance, bat guano first feeds the microbes in the soil.
The nutrient concentrations within this natural product vary slightly, but each 500g packet guarantees a minimum NPK ratio of 1:10:1. Combined, these key macronutrients assist the cannabis plant by increasing growth rate, enhancing flower production, boosting foliage quality, and driving photosynthesis.
The micronutrients within bat guano also help to build proteins, create chlorophyll, and enhance disease resistance.
Bat guano offers a potent source of nutrients both indoors and outdoors, and gives off no unpleasant odours. Growers can keep their packet for years without worrying about an expiration date, considering they store it in a dry and dark location.
How To Use Bat Guano
Outdoors, apply ½kg of Bat Guano to every 2–5m² of growing medium. During the flowering phase, scatter more guano and rake it into the soil.
When growing indoors within containers, mix 100g of Bat Guano into 15 litres of potting soil before sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings. Later on, scatter more bat guano onto the pots as needed and water thoroughly.
Bat Guano - 500 grams
RQS Nutrients: The Best Fertilisers for Cannabis
Easy Roots Rhizobacter |
Easy Roots Trichoderma |
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix |
Bat Guano |
Seaweed |
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition |
Easy Grow Booster Tablets |
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets |
Easy Combo Booster Pack |
Easy Plus Micronutrients |
Thicker FLowers |
Bigger Flowers |
Sweeter Flowers |
GERMINATION (soil preparation) |
Incompatible (unless used in separate phases of growth) |
High in phosphorous (check Special considerations for each product) |
RQS Nutrients: The Best Fertilisers for Cannabis
Easy Roots Rhizobacter |
Easy Roots Trichoderma |
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix |
Bat Guano |
Seaweed |
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition |
Easy Grow Booster Tablets |
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets |
Easy Combo Booster Pack |
Easy Plus Micronutrients |
Thicker Flowers |
Bigger Flowers |
Sweeter Flowers |
Incompatible (unless used in separate phases of growth) |
High in phosphorous (check Special considerations for each product) |