• Royal Dwarf
  • Royal Dwarf
  • Royal Dwarf
  • Royal Dwarf
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Royal Dwarf

Skunk x Ruderalis

Royal Dwarf cannabis seeds allow growers to secure good yields of top-quality buds from minuscule plants. In just 10 weeks, you'll be able to sample the creative effects and skunky flavours of this indica autoflower. Get your seeds here, and enjoy genuine Skunk weed in no time!
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Royal Dwarf Cannabis Seeds: Exceptionally Fast & Compact

The Royal Dwarf cannabis strain pairs rapid growing times with a creative and motivating high. As an autoflowering version of Skunk, users also get to enjoy pungent flavours and exceptionally sticky buds when growing this variety. By crossing Skunk with a ruderalis strain, our breeders successfully created one of the most compact and speedy autoflowering cultivars available. Overall, Royal Dwarf possesses 60% indica genetics, 10% sativa, and 30% ruderalis.

Aromas, Flavours, and Effects of the Royal Dwarf Strain: Notes of Skunk and a Creative High

Royal Dwarf inherited many of the flavours and aromas characteristic of her Skunk parent. During the late flowering stage, you’ll experience wafts of skunk and gas every time you approach your plants. After drying and curing your buds, every hit will target your taste buds with notes of skunk and earthiness. While you enjoy these lingering flavours, a THC content of 13% will work its way around your system and exert an inspiring and motivating high. This modest concentration of the psychoactive cannabinoid produces a noticeable but never overwhelming effect, making it a great strain to use throughout the day.

Growing Royal Dwarf Cannabis Seeds: One of the Fastest Strains Out There

Royal Dwarf cannabis seeds germinate quickly and produce stout and strong seedlings. Because this autoflower variety grows so fast, you’ll experience the best results by directly sowing seeds into their final 11-litre pots. Starting in a smaller container and transplanting risks exposing plants to stress, which they have very little time to recover from. By the end of the first week of veg, your seedlings will reach a height of around 5 cm and will possess their first set of true leaves. They’ll quickly grow to around 10 cm by the end of week two, and around 15 cm by the end of week three. Apply LST during this time to keep your plants as compact as 60 cm throughout the entire growing cycle. 

Your plants will stretch slightly as they transition into the flowering phase. During the second week of bloom, you’ll see brilliant white pistils start to emerge. Use pruning shears to thin out the canopy to promote airflow and combat mould. Towards the end of the flowering stage, you’ll have a canopy abundant with compact and sticky flowers. Flush your plants during the final two weeks to improve their flavour post-harvest. Prepare to bring in up to 200 g/m² from indoor plants and 30–80 g/plant from those grown outdoors after a growing cycle of just 9–10 weeks.

Royal Dwarf data sheet
Strain Type: Autoflowering
THC: 13%
CBD: Low
Yield Indoor : 150 - 200 gr/m2
Yield Outdoor: 30 - 80 gr/plant
Height Indoor: 40 - 70 cm
Height Outdoor: 50 - 90 cm
Flowering time: 6 - 7 weeks
Harvest Month: 9 - 10 weeks after sprouting
Genetic Background: Skunk x Ruderalis
Type: Sativa 10% Indica 60% Ruderalis 30%
Effect: Creative, Motivating
Climate: Long Summers
Flavour: Earthy, Skunk

    By A. H. on 29/Jan/2025 :

    Title : Newbie
    Comment : Great little plant complete novice at this but it grow none the less got soil wrong light wasn't all that but it powered through will get it right next time any tips on ligth and food welcome

    By T. K. on 26/Jan/2025 :

    Title : Hallo
    Comment : ich werde bald eine kleine Blume in einen großen Blumentopf verpflanzen, jetzt muss ich mich nur noch um sie kümmern und warten

    By M. S. on 25/Jan/2025 :

    Title : M
    Comment : Jeder Samen aufgegangen. Pflanzen sind ein bisschen größer als erwartet geworden

    By M. W. on 19/Jan/2025 :

    Title : Ojack
    Comment : Die Sorte Royal Dwarf überzeugt mich seit über 10 Jahren. Selbst im Februar konnte ich sie erfolgreich mit natürlichem Tageslicht indoor anbauen, auch wenn es etwas mehr Zeit in Anspruch nahm. Alle Samen sind immer problemlos gekeimt, was für die konstante Qualität spricht. Das High ist angenehm und ausgewogen – perfekt für entspannte Momente. Eine zuverlässige Wahl für Indoor-Grower, die auf Qualität setzen.

    By C. Y. on 12/Nov/2024 :

    Title : First grow
    Comment : I grew 3 of these in 3 gallon pots with coco coir, Gaia green, worm turds, a little recharge, and blackstrap molasses. I was able to get @ 8 1/2 ounces dry weight. They take well to LST, and I had no issues threw out the grow. They will dank out your grow room so have a charcoal filter on hand if smell is a issue. I used the Evo4 grow light and AC infinity smart controller, 18-6 light schedule, I was able to keep the VPD almost spot on. I would recommend this strain to anyone curious. They stay true to the name and are short bushy plants, with a great yield. Also will be growing these again in the future. Also, wife approved

    By M. K. on 08/Nov/2024 :

    Title : Great High
    Comment : My second grow, four of these. All sprouted and flowered with a strong, skunky/dank scent. I couldn't give these enough sun, and the weather was too hot (90ºF/32+C) for too long, and quite humid. I worried about mold, but that was no problem. Alas, I think the heat stress and no nutes at all (only living soil) was too much, and they (at least one) hermied, resulting in some seeds. Thus, I had low expectations. Still, I got 24g dried and trimmed. Some seedy flowers I just ground up with the sugar leaves for tincture (which came out fantastic). I wasn't thinking to grow it again (that strong scent), but the high is so great--creative and fun, sativa-ish without the anxiety and doesn't make me tired. When I vape it, doesn't last too long (great, because then I can drive home in a few hours after sharing it with friends), but effects from the tincture last many hours, even into the next day (depending on dose). BTW, I have planted 12 seeds from RQ and every one has sprouted. Very satisfied customer who keeps coming back for more.

    By O. M. on 03/Nov/2024 :

    Title : O.M.
    Comment : Großartiger Strain, sehr unkompliziert und widerstandsfähig. Die erste Pflanze wuchs im kalten deutschen Frühling im Gewächshaus ohne Dünger auf und warf etwa 6g ab. Die zweite Pflanze hatte im Sommer beste Bedingungen und brachte mit Bio-Dünger ohne Training 28g Ertrag. Habe schon nach 4 Wochen Blüte (viel zu früh) geerntet da die Nachbarpflanze (anderer Strähn) Schimmelprobleme hatte und die Trichome alle schon weiß waren. Nach dem trocknen und curing dann das Ergebnis - ein wunderbar aktivierendes, motivierendes Kraut, für mich ideal für Familiengeburtstage und alles was einen zusätzlichen Motivationsschub bedarf. Macht Lust auf Bewegung!

    By U. T. on 14/Oct/2024 :

    Title : Queen of Dwarves
    Comment : What a beautiful little Cannabis! First off: outdoor growth, soil as suggested by RQS. Some nutrients, lots of care. It grew in 4 months to a 40cm plant that looked like a picture of perfection. Absolutely symmetrical, some straight branches as if created by magic. The smell was out of this world! Got some 8g. Good effect: relaxing, not overwhelming. But the dried buds were a joy to vape. A very compact and stealthy plant (although growing in my country is legal). It could be bigger, but, hey, then it wouldn't be a dwarf anymore! A most definite recommendation! (I still got two seeds. Looking forward to the next season.)

    By M. E. on 23/Sep/2024 :

    Title : Became a favorit
    Comment : I grew RD for the first time this summer and it has quickly become one if my favorites. Easy to grow, reasonable yeld and a pleasant effect.

    By R. G. on 13/Sep/2024 :

    Title : G
    Comment : Wurde in der Fensterbank gezogen und hat super überzeugt. Wirkung top und ein Ertrag von ca. 30g. Sorgt beim Rauchen schnell mal für den einen oder anderen lustigen Versprecher!

    By M. W. on 04/Sep/2024 :

    Title : M.
    Comment : Superleuk, supervlot en mooie compacte plant die voor haar formaat een nette opbrengst geeft.

    By D. L. on 04/Sep/2024 :

    Title : .
    Comment : Snelle levering, en ontkiemden binnen 2 dagen ( water methode )

    By C. G. on 02/Sep/2024 :

    Title : Der C.
    Comment : Hatte eine im Gewächshaus stehen. Nach exakt 9 Wochen, 74g erhalten. Einfacher, dankbarer kleiner Zwerg.

    By K. B. on 21/Aug/2024 :

    Title : K
    Comment : Royal Dwarf ist eine richtige Bombe. Eher klein, aber hey!: Das steht im Namen! Eine super Wahl wenn man nicht viel Platz hat, weil man auf dem Balkon noch andere Pflanzen haben möchte oder so, denke das würde sogar im Blumenkasten gut passen. Duft zitrusartig, frisch. Erinnert ein wenig an Fanta. Es gibt 5 Sterne, weil das klein schon im Namen steht, sonst würde ich bei der 3 Pflanzen Regelung aber eine andere Sorte wählen, des Ertrags wegen.

    By S. L. on 20/Aug/2024 :

    Title : Fleissig
    Comment : Hab 3 Pflanzen angesetzt, alle gesund und munter in der letzten Blühphase. Massig Buds bei natürlichen Wuchs, zitrischer, schwerer Duft. In 3 Wochen weiß ich mehr.

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From Charly | 2018-09-03 18:18:33

Is possible to grow this plant 30ºC-34ºC climate?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, it should be fine, but make sure that there are no big changes between day and night temperature.

From Federico | 2018-06-15 07:31:20

How do i notice when the buds are ready? I planted it in may, outside. Thanks

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please refer to the following article for more information: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-knowing-the-time-is-right-to-harvest-your-cannabis-plant-n84

From Sue | 2018-06-08 16:21:06

Hello, which plant container size is the best for this strain?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please check out the following article where you can find the information you need: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-types-of-containers-for-growing-weed-n445

From stan | 2018-06-05 19:54:40

is it sativa

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can find this information on the "Data Sheet" section of this page.

From Zkr | 2018-01-30 22:31:32

Qual'è il rapporto LUCE/BUIO consigliato?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please check out the below link to for a more accurate information regarding this matter. https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-the-perfect-light-schedules-for-autoflowering-cannabis-n319

From Raneem | 2017-12-30 18:42:12

Hello So I bought this seed and I actually have no idea about growing my own weed So can you please give me an information about how to grow this seed and what does it takes to for a healthy way

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We would recommend you to have a look at the below article to get the essentials in this matter. https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-tips-for-growing-autoflowering-cannabis-seeds-n183

From george | 2017-12-11 22:36:44

whats the best light to grow this under?

From Boi | 2017-11-30 05:20:46

So I live in the western Europe and the max temperature is 14°C because it's winter .. can the plant possibly grow in this conditions?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We do not recommend to plant seeds outdoor out of the growing season. Remember that the growing season starts in Spring.

From Tördl | 2017-11-28 12:42:17

Is the Plant good for SOG

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The Sea Of Green or SOG method is devastatingly effective when combined with autos. However, we beleive that the Royal Dwarf might be a bit too small for this technique.

From Uniq | 2017-11-19 18:37:10

would we have time to do some topping, for more buds? before it goes into autoflowering mode? could we clone from it? ta

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please check out the below link from our blog, you will find useful information on this subject: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-can-topping-and-training-be-used-on-autoflowering-marijuana-n387 Cloning an autoflowering plant is indeed possible, but the outcome will surely be suboptimal

From Mike | 2017-11-07 04:51:12

Whats best ? this plant or is the effect better with a plant with high cdb ? I am a beginner on this things ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Plants high in CBD are used mostly for medical purposes.

From Jr | 2017-10-17 22:13:55

How long from seedling to flowering and how much yield potential?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Autoflowering Strains should go into flowering between 2 and four weeks after the seed was put in the ground. You can check the Yield and other details in the product Data Sheet.

From Me | 2017-10-16 15:41:38

What is the average temperature for growth? East European climate might be a problem?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The optimum temperature is between 24ºC-26ºC and try to avoid more than 10ºC difference at night time. If growing outdoors we do not recommend any temperature below 12ºC at night as the plant would require some heating.

From luis | 2017-10-06 22:47:31

Friend, what is the best seed you have for outer time with little care? To plant in Uruguay

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All the plants need dedication and care, otherwise the results would not be the best. We would recommend you any Autoflowering Strains. You can use the Strain filter in our site to get a more tailored results.

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Cannabis seeds can be freely distributed within the EU under the principle of mutual recognition. However, it is your own responsibility to research your local laws and regulations before ordering.