
7 Cannabis Facebook Pages You Should Follow Today
Keep reading for 7 Facebook pages we highly suggest you follow! Not only will they keep you up-to-date with the latest cannabis news and legislative changes, but you might grab a few bargains along the way—that, and who doesn't love a good cannabis meme?
Cannabis has always had a tenuous presence on social media. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, it is not uncommon to see massive ban waves instigated, and dozens of accounts lost in the maelstrom. Thankfully, in an attempt to move with the times, Facebook has recognised that cannabis is increasingly available around the globe.
Previously, searching for cannabis pages would return "zero matches", but now cannabis-related content will be shown, provided it doesn't violate Facebook's policies. With that in mind, it seems only right to highlight some of the fantastic cannabis-related content available on the platform.
Let's be honest, what would you rather see on your newsfeed, people bragging about where they went on holiday, or some dank buds and expert growing advice?
It would be rude not to kick off the best Facebook pages to follow without mentioning our own! If you want daily updates on all things cannabis, then the Royal Queen Seeds Facebook page is a must-follow. Topics include grower-submitted pictures, cultivation techniques, troubleshooting guides, and information on our latest offers.
Our Facebook page is also an excellent place to converse with like-minded growers and use their knowledge to help develop your next project. Whether you want a comprehensive selection of seeds, or just want to talk shop, hit that follow button!
Weediquette is a page created by alternative lifestyle media company Vice as part of their Viceland television channel. Although posts have slowed down in frequency, there is still a ton of information ranging from cannabis legislation to weed-infused dinner parties and everything in between.
One thing you can always rely upon with Vice is to approach topics from a different angle than other mainstream media outlets. Their approach to the cannabis industry is no exception, and their content offers a new and exciting perspective on the same tried and tested subjects.
Hands down, there is no cannabis comedy duo more iconic than Cheech and Chong. More than that though, Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin are lifelong advocates of cannabis from a time when even mentioning the word was punishable with a jail sentence. Their perseverance paid off, and they have both earned (justifiably) the title of cannabis legends. Now, when they aren't doing stand-up tours, the Cheech and Chong page has some of the best cannabis memes this side of the internet.
Not only is this page perfect for breaking up the monotony of Facebook, but it highlights exactly why the plant is the most-used drug in the world. People just want to relax and have a good time, without every Facebook post turning into an argument. If that sounds like your kind of vibe, head over to Cheech and Chong.
Any grower worth their salt probably owns a copy of The Cannabis Grow Bible. It is the definitive resource for cannabis cultivation no matter your level of experience. With over 500 pages of well-articulated, carefully structured content, the book is fantastic for providing a general overview, as well as troubleshooting problems.
Alongside posting updates to the paperback edition of the book, The Cannabis Grow Bible Facebook page shares charity events, news stories, and recommendations on other essential resources for growing. If you are the least bit interested in growing cannabis, do two things right now—buy a copy of The Cannabis Grow Bible and follow their Facebook page.
If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest marijuana news or legislative changes, then the Growing Marijuana Facebook page is an excellent resource. With near-daily updates, you can not only impress your friends with your cannabis knowledge, but you can learn a thing or two about growing along the way.
The Facebook page acts as an extension of www.growingmarijuana.com, an online resource split into different chapters for each stage of cultivation. Get a daily dose of essential cannabis knowledge when you click the follow button.
Zamnesia isn't just a one-stop shop for virtually every type of cannabis seed out there—they are also one of the most comprehensive smartshops on the internet. With over 3,000 products across categories such as their Seedshop, Headshop, and Vaporshop, there is something for everyone.
Zamnesia's Facebook page is similarly comprehensive. Not only do they post their latest offers, but they share pictures, news articles, and informative blog posts.
A non-profit organisation, NORML "supports the rights of adults to use marijuana responsibly". If you are interested in seeing how the legal landscape of cannabis use is shaping up, then the NORML Facebook page is a fantastic resource for staying in the loop. Most of their updates are centred around changes to the American legal system, but there is a NORML page for cannabis users in the UK.
In a time where misinformation on social media platforms is rife, trusted and verified (look for the grey check mark) organisations like NORML are crucial. Not only do they provide consistent updates, but they shine a light on topics usually bypassed by mainstream media.