
How Cannabis Can Enhance Orgasm, Masturbation, And A Whole Lot More
Here at Royal Queen Seeds, we are not going to argue that you should be masturbating. We're assuming you already do. You may be interested to hear about the impact cannabis can have on your orgasm, by yourself or with others.
You clicked on this. You're here now. Let's talk about orgasms. Perhaps as a keen reader of our cannabis news, and subscriber to our social media (hint-hint), you're the kind of person who seeks out pleasurable experiences. After all, the high from cannabis is such a powerful feeling that religious rituals have developed around it. It heightens sensory awareness and fosters a constructive, uplifted mood. Everything can become more sensual—from the taste of food to the texture of fabric. Imagine how much the feeling of an orgasm could be enhanced during a cannabis high. The two are increasingly paired, with health benefits being touted across the internet. Here are some of the ways in which cannabis can affect your orgasm and overall well-being.
Cannabis users are no strangers to shame. Society's stigma around cannabis use has driven it underground until recently. Now, more and more jurisdictions are legalizing cannabis and supporting its normalisation in society. This is the kind of social change that occurs when people find the courage to speak up about their experiences. Talking about our sexuality though is... awkward. At least for most people, opening up about their sexual health and sexual desires is embarrassing. It reveals an intimate aspect of our personality that we each have a right to keep private. However, this secrecy around sex can be internalised to the point of interfering with people's private sex lives.
Let's say you do have a partner. You have connected on an emotional level, you have had sex, you have been dating for some time. There may be a sexual activity or fantasy of yours that you want to explore. Although you wouldn't judge another person for it, you have internalised shame around having these feelings yourself, and fear that your partner's view of you may be negatively affected. Well, here’s where cannabis’ ability to lower inhibition may be of assistance. It doesn't do this in the reckless way alcohol does. Cannabis users tend to be a lot more cautious when high than alcohol users are when drunk. Cannabis may be what you need to get into a comfortable mindset in the first place.
The calming effects of cannabis can enhance your brain's reasoning faculties against negative thoughts. It makes physical contact feel more sensuous, and cannabis can make you giddy enough that you and your partner feel more playful. You are more open to trying new things with people you trust when high. Your dirty talk can get more fluid, as might other things. Yet you retain a focus on sensory input that should connect you with your partner and their feelings. This is a key aspect of consent, so you can be attentive and keep things fun. Cannabis also relieves pain, anxiety, and other things that can keep you from getting in the mood. There are also specific physiological effects cannabis has on the orgasms of women and men.
Women love orgasms. They just can't talk about it as openly because of the aforementioned stigma around sexuality. There has been some progress on challenging such stigma in recent years on issues like LGBT rights and sex education. Yet prejudice towards sex work, polyamory, promiscuity, and even having little or no sex, are still widespread. There remains a deeper, fundamental issue with an imbalance between women and men. The historical norm has been to repress women's self-determination and discussion of their sexuality. At this turning point, perhaps women's sexual health issues can be approached without the lingering impact of shame.
Science has a lot of catching up to do on this taboo subject. Many misconceptions can finally be settled, such as the myth that women don't masturbate. In fact, the Women's Health Network[1] recommends that women should masturbate. Not just because it relieves stress or feels really, really good. It can help avoid infections of the cervix and urinary tract. It also improves pelvic base strength and cardiovascular health. For any women struggling to reach orgasm, the relaxing effects of cannabis should help one become more comfortable.
Lioness is a "smart vibrator" that measures vaginal contractions during masturbation. The CEO behind Lioness, Liz Klinger, tried it on herself and shared her results online[2]. She reported less frequent, but stronger contractions throughout her stoned orgasm when compared to her sober orgasm. Cannabis edibles made this effect even stronger. The data is clear—at least in her case—that cannabis improved the intensity of orgasms. Our female readers should be curious enough to at least try cannabis before sex or masturbating.
Men may not have as many medical reasons to combine cannabis and orgasms, but they have every recreational reason. There is, however, research supporting a medical phenomenon common[3] to men and women. Human tests found endocannabinoids like anandamide (similar to THC) to rise during physical activity. Another endocannabinoid, 2-Arachidonoylglycerol, was found to rise specifically during masturbation and orgasm. It may play a role in the reward system of orgasms for men and women. So, by increasing your cannabinoid intake and stimulating the endocannabinoid system, you may experience greater arousal and greater orgasms to follow.
- Health Benefits of Masturbation https://www.womenshealthnetwork.com
- Can Weed Help You Have Better Orgasms? - VICE https://tonic.vice.com
- Masturbation to Orgasm Stimulates the Release of the Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol in Humans - PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov