
RQS Interviews — Henry Saiz, Mixing Music And Cannabis
My name is Henry Saiz. I'm from Madrid and I call Alicante, Madrid, and Lanzarote home, but I'm always travelling. I'm a musician, DJ, and producer who runs two labels and a show on Spanish Radio 3 called El Laberinto.
At Royal Queen Seeds, we are constantly on the lookout for the best information and knowledge about cannabis. In our interviews, we talk to figures from all over the cannabis industry. Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Henry Saiz.
I started growing when I was about 20 and have been doing it with more knowledge and dedication for 5–6 years.
PART.1: PODCAST 🎵 (Listen to it also in Spotify and Apple Podcast) |
PART. 2: In addition to our Podcast Interview with Henry. ✍️ |
PART.2: In addition to our Podcast Interview with Henry. ✍️ We’ve done an exclusive Q&A about Music and Cannabis to get some advice for our readers. You can find Henry's insights below! |
1. What's the relationship between cannabis and music for you?
For me, it's such a close relationship that I find it hard to understand one without the other.
2. Some people think music sounds better under the influence of cannabis. Do you agree?
Absolutely. Cannabis is a great sensory enhancer, and both listening to music and writing it under the influence is a wonderful thing for me. Depending on the properties of each variety, it creates a different listening experience. For instance, when composing, I prefer a sativa that helps me listen more clearly and focus on things that go unnoticed when I haven't consumed; but when listening, I prefer a hybrid or an indica to relax and lose myself in the sound.
3. What influence do you think cannabis has had on the development of music and art, and has it had anything to do with the production of your projects?
The influence of cannabis in music, and art in general, is an undeniable fact known by everyone. Basically, the vast majority of classic albums in modern music (and even much further back in time) have been inspired by the use of drugs of some kind, and more specifically cannabis, either directly by the artist or by someone in the creative process like the producer. And today, with legalization in many states of the US and the rise of cannabis culture, its influence on music is endless. In my case, as I said, it's something inseparable. I use cannabis to hear and to make music, and its influence on my perception is evident when you listen to my records.
4. What do you think about the stereotypes around musicians smoking cannabis? Do they affect you?
Humans create stereotypes of absolutely everything, and of course there are stereotypes of musicians who use cannabis. They don't really affect me. One of my goals as an artist is to serve as an example of how you can make intelligent and functional use of cannabis as a musician, without falling into the sounds that are usually associated with marijuana. I love reggae and dub, but there are many other ways to pay tribute to the plant and turn its effects into sound.
5. Have you ever considered giving up cannabis use/growing at some point in your life? Why?
I honestly didn't even think about it 10–15 years ago when there were all sorts of myths about the supposed negative effects of cannabis. It has always felt so good (especially since I've been smoking it pure, without tobacco), that I kind of knew deep down that what I was doing was right and couldn't be that negative. Science now agrees with those of us who use cannabis on a daily basis. It is something I would like to do until the end of my days, to use it to make life more interesting, to grow, mix, experiment, and learn from biology and genetics. It is fascinating. I can't think of a reason to stop doing it, not even the legal side of things.
6. You perform at festivals and shows all over the world. Do you work under the influence of cannabis?
Whenever I get the chance, as I told you, everything is more fun with cannabis! :)
Luckily, I have a creative job that allows me to do it.
7. Do you still use cannabis when you travel? In what way?
Yes, except in countries where prohibition means really serious penalties. I dislike that an absurd law created in the interest of a few people cuts my freedom, but I'm not stupid, and I don't take risks when I travel to such countries. However, when I go to Canada, California, Denver, Seattle, etc. I aim to try out as many new strains as possible and see how the industry is doing.
8. What do you think about cannabis use at festivals?
It should be legal and sold right there; they would make money and people could enjoy music and cannabis without being afraid of repercussions. Also, the atmosphere would be much more friendly and peaceful than with alcohol, a legal drug that affects millions of people negatively.
9. When did you decide to start growing cannabis? Why?
When you feel that love for the plant and you are curious, you end up wanting to know more about it, and that leads you to want to grow it, to breed it... Besides, nothing tastes better than weed that you have lovingly grown for months, watching it thrive and develop. In my case, I never use any chemicals, so I can tell when they have been used, and dealers usually don't put as much love into it as you do. :)
10. Do you believe in playing music to your plants?
I'm interested, although there are no conclusive studies about that. If one day they discover how sound affects plants, I'd certainly love to make music for them and explore those techniques.