
10 Historical Figures Who Used Cannabis
Wondering who else shares your passion for the herb? Well, apart from an estimated 3.8% of the world population, there are a bunch of historical figures who (in one way or another) used cannabis. Can you guess who they were?
From mighty monarchs to modern presidents and legendary artists, many people have treasured cannabis throughout its long history growing beside humankind. Some used it for its excellent fibres, others as a therapeutic aid, and, of course, many indulged in its mind-altering high. Join us as we shine a light on some of history's most celebrated cannabis users!
10 Historical Figures Who Used Cannabis
In what follows, we’ll share the stories of ten notable historical figures who used cannabis for some reason or another, demonstrating the plant’s incredible versatility and widespread use throughout human history.
Queen Victoria

We try not to judge books by their covers, but let's be honest; Queen Victoria didn't seem like much of a toker. And while it's unlikely you would have found her burning one down, there's a good chance she might have used cannabis in other ways—namely to tame menstrual cramps. Sir J Russel Reynolds, the Queen's personal physician for over 30 years, wrote extensively[1] on both the therapeutic and toxic effects of cannabis, which was used throughout England and its colonies during the Victorian era in an attempt to treat everything from convulsions to dysmenorrhea (i.e. period pain). Sir Russel Reynolds famously considered cannabis to be "one of the most valuable medicines we possess", so there's a good chance he may have prescribed the herb to the Queen in times of need.
William Shakespeare

While William Shakespeare left behind a monumental collection of plays, sonnets, poems, and other verses, very few records exist describing The Bard's private life. In 2015[2], however, South African researchers found traces of cannabis on old pipe fragments unearthed from the garden of Shakespeare's home in Stratford-upon-Avon. Some fragments also contained traces of tobacco, cocaine, camphor, and nutmeg extracts (a known hallucinogen). For some fans of England's national poet, this comes as little surprise, as many of his sonnets can be interpreted as hinting at his use of "noted weed" and "compounds strange". As you'll come to see, he wouldn't be the last literary genius to do so—even just this short list is rife with weed-loving writers!
Louisa May Alcott

English writers weren't the only ones indulging in the herb—Louisa May Alcott's works are riddled with scenes of cannabis use that are so well-described that it seems impossible that the author wasn't writing from personal experience. In Perilous Play[3], for example, the doctor Meredith proposes taking cannabis bonbons to a group of well-off southern Belles and boys, describing their effect as a "heavenly dream, in which [one] move[s] as if on air. Everything is calm and lovely to them: no pain, no care, no fear of anything, and while it lasts one feels like an angel half asleep". Though there’s no hard evidence to prove that Alcott used weed, the accuracy of her descriptions of its effects is, for many, proof enough that the author of Little Women was an avid toker.
Malcolm X

Malcolm X continues to be a symbol of racial activism, renowned for the controversial ways through which he advocated for black empowerment. But did you know that Malcolm X was also a legacy "reefer peddler?". After moving from Michigan to New York City's Harlem district, Malcolm spent several years slinging cannabis to make money—often to musicians. In his biography, Malcolm explains at length his stints jumping trains to sell weed all along the US East Coast, changing up his "turf" regularly to throw off the cops. “I could travel all over the East Coast selling reefers among my friends who were on tour with their bands… Nobody had ever heard of a traveling reefer peddler”, he wrote. Even today, you’d be hard-pressed to find such a dedicated dealer!
Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan died almost 30 years ago, so he might not be a household name for everyone. However, his work as an astronomer and planetary scientist forever changed the way we understand our planet and the universe. A few years after his death, colleagues of Sagan's admitted that he was a lover of the herb. In 1999, psychiatrist and long-standing Harvard professor Lester Grinpsoon admitted that Sagan, under the pen name "Mr. X", wrote an essay for Grinspoon's milestone book Marihuana Reconsidered, describing how cannabis influenced much of his intellectual work and enhanced his love of food, music, and sex.
Alexandre Dumas

Estimated to have published 37 million words in his lifetime, Alexandre Dumas is arguably one of history's most prolific writers. The genius behind The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, and The Man in The Iron Mask, Dumas' works have been translated from French into countless languages and been adapted into 200+ films. But Dumas did much more than just write—he also ran Paris' Theater Historique and was a member of the city's infamous Club des Hashischins (or Club of The Hashish Eaters). A members-only club open exclusively to Paris' elite intellectuals, the Club des Hashischins would hold monthly events at the Hôtel de Lauzun (at that time Hôtel Pimodan) where thinkers like Dumas, Dr Jacques-Joseph Moreau, Théophile Gautier, Charles Baudelaire, and others would indulge in Dawamesc, an Arabian treat made from weed, fat, honey, and pistachios.
Barack Obama

US presidents typically don't come to mind when you're trying to think of famous weed smokers. But some might argue that Barack Obama wasn't a typical US president. And according to David Maraniss' biography Barack Obama: The Story, he wasn't a regular pot smoker, either. In high school, Obama was a member of "The Choom Gang", a group of pot-loving buddies. In fact, he was also the inventor behind many of the Choom Gang's smoking rituals and rules, including:
- Total absorption: If you exhaled too soon after taking a toke, your turn was skipped the next time the joint came along.
- Roof hits: After hotboxing and inhaling all the smoke in the Choomwagon (a Volkswagen microbus belonging to one of Barack’s buddies), the Choom Gang would tilt their heads and suck up any smoke left at the roof of the car.
Francis Crick

Much like Carl Sagan, Francis Crick is another scientist whose work influenced everyone—even those who aren't familiar with his name. The man partly behind the discovery of the famous double helix structure of DNA and the genetic code, Francis Crick was arguably one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century—his discoveries helped us understand one of the foundations of the world we live in. And while much of his private life remained a secret for many years, a 2009 biography of Crick showed that he avidly experimented with LSD and cannabis. In fact, he was a founding member of Soma—a group of activists fighting for the legalization of cannabis in the UK since the 1960s. He even wrote to The Times in 1967 calling for a reform in the UK's cannabis laws.
Queen Elizabeth I

In 1546, King Henry established the Royal Navy—a military branch that would play a crucial role in England's colonisation of the New World. And foundational to the Royal Navy's success was hemp fibre, which could be turned into powerful and durable ropes for ships. Luckily, King Henry was a man of foresight, and began preparing for his naval expansion early; in 1533, he ordered all landholders to set aside one-quarter acre of every 60 acres they tilled for the cultivation of hemp. 30 years later, Queen Elizabeth I followed in her father's footsteps, reinstating the decree. In fact, she took even greater measures to ensure her fleet's demand for hemp was met, threatening farmers with a £5 fine if they didn't comply with her order.
The Beatles

The day The Beatles met Bob Dylan will forever go down as one of the most important moments in pop culture history. During their 1964 World Tour, John, Paul, George, and Ringo met Bob Dylan at the Delmonico Hotel in New York City. "Ringo went back to see him and after a couple of minutes came back into the suite looking a little dazed and confused", Paul McCartney famously recounted on the Adam Buxton podcast. The meeting was arranged by journalist Al Aronowitz and marked a pivotal point in the careers of both The Beatles and Dylan. For The Fab Four, their introduction to cannabis marked the beginning of a real magical mystery tour—namely a new era of experimentation (both with music and with other substances), political activism, and a pull away from the commercial pop perfection they were known for.
High Achievers Using Cannabis
As we can see from the list above, cannabis has inspired many a great mind—from world leaders who quickly recognised its industrial potential to free-thinking artists and scientists who used it to fuel their creativity. It goes without saying that weed has been a boon to human innovation, helping us navigate uncharted waters, craft timeless literary and musical masterpieces, and better understand the complex world we live in. The only question left on our mind is, what great idea will it spark next?
- Cannabis discovered in tobacco pipes found in William Shakespeare's garden https://www.telegraph.co.uk
- Perilous Play https://gutenberg.net.au