• Starters Kit Feminized
  • Starters Kit Feminized
  • Starters Kit Feminized
  • Starter Kit Feminized

Starter Kit Feminized

To make it easier, we have put together a feminized cannabis seed starter kit, taking out all of the guesswork and ensuring your seeds have the best chance possible at a healthy start in life.
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The RQS Feminized Seed Starter Kit Comes With Everything You Need to Get Your Cannabis Seeds Off to the Strongest Start Possible

This includes a tray of Easy Start seedling pots, a packet of Bacto – a beneficial bacteria mix to encourage strong growth, a Propagator Pro, perlite, and lighting. To top it all off, we also include 3 RQS Critical seeds, ensuring you have a little something extra to add to your stash.

Video id: 484368580

Using the RQS Feminized Seed Starter Kit Couldn’t Be Easier, Simply Follow These Steps

  1. Remove your seeds from their seed packet. Be sure not to push them out the back of the seed packet, as this may damage them. Instead, peel off the packet seal.
  2. Take the tray of Easy Start pots out of their packet. You will find your sachet of Bacto under the packet’s sticker.
  3. Measure out a litre of lukewarm water in a plastic tub – around 22-25 degrees Celsius – and add in the sachet of Bacto. Mix it up and allow it to dissolve. This will activate the microbial life in the Bacto, which will help your seedlings grow a strong root base.
  4. Place your tray of easy start pots in the water, allowing them to soak some of it up.
  5. While they are soaking, get your propagator ready by putting a layer of perlite into it.
  6. Now take your tray of Easy Start pots and place them on the perlite. As the water leaves the pots, it will leave both the perlite and the pots moist.
  7. Enlarge each if the hole of each pot to roughly 5-10 mm deep, this will ensure your cannabis seeds have all the room they need. A screwdriver or pencil can be good for this.
  8. Place a seed in each hole. It doesn’t matter which way they go up; your seeds will naturally head towards the light as the root burrows down.
  9. Now put the wall and lid of the propagator in place. Place the propagator somewhere indoors where it won’t get knocked or moved. It will now take 1-6 days for your seeds to germinate. It is essential you leave the seeds to do their thing. It may be hard to resist, but opening the lid and checking up on them can disturb the humidity and heat levels, damaging the chances of germination.
  10. Once the seedlings have reached 2-3cm high, you can cut up the pots into individual squares, ready to be transplanted into their main growing medium.

How to Add Batteries to Your Royal Queen Seeds Starter Kit

1. The batteries are housed inside a black cover under the LEDs. Detach the lid of the battery compartment by applying pressure to one side of the lid.

Step 1

2. Take the batteries out of the plastic wrapper. Position them as indicated by the + and - signs inside the battery compartment.

Step 2

3. Touch the tactile pad to check that the batteries are inserted correctly. The LEDs should light up. Replace the lid to its original position—a "popping" sound will indicate that it's secure.

Step 3

    By G. L. on 13/Sep/2024 :

    Title : Perfecto
    Comment : El sistema para colocar las baterias es un poco engorroso (me daba miedo romper algo) por lo demas perfecto, deseando probarlo en mi proximo cultivo.

    By F. A. on 21/Jun/2024 :

    Title : Comodo e pratico
    Comment : Ottimo per iniziare con la germinazione,buona offerta

    By B. R. on 30/May/2024 :

    Title : SirSmokealot
    Comment : Tolle kleine Kiste, kann ich wärmstens empfehlen. Hab erstmal zwei vorgekeimte Samen mit Jiffy reingestellt, die ich mit Trichoderma angesetzt habe. Vorbildliches Wachstum und man muss sich nicht weiter drum kümmern. Perfekt! Eine gute Investition, zumindest für mich!

    By M. K. on 20/May/2024 :

    Title : ok for first timer
    Comment : Unfortunately none of the included seeds never germinated. But the free ones added onto the order, and the ones i bought seperately did. so all in all a fair deal.

    By D. T. on 29/Apr/2024 :

    Title : Amazing
    Comment : Nice kit, perfect

    By E. O. on 13/Apr/2024 :

    Title : Eric
    Comment : Super Starter Set mit allem was man braucht, ließ sich super zusammenbauen. Gute Anleitung dabei. Klare Kaufempfehlung.

    By T. A. on 12/Mar/2024 :

    Title : Top
    Comment : Goed om te starten zeer handig om binnen te plaatsen .

    By A. M. on 15/Feb/2024 :

    Title : Many compliments
    Comment : Many compliments to this professional company, doing excellent work getting their products shipped across the world. Your support team also does great work, kepp up guys. Cant wait to order again.

    By R. A. on 20/Nov/2023 :

    Title : Amazing
    Comment : Simple, rapide, efficace, ca vaut le coût

    By J. C. on 13/Sep/2023 :

    Title : Julien
    Comment : Reçu assez rapidement en lisant les commentaires je me suis fait un petit montage maison pour éviter les pile mais sinon très satisfait

    By S. M. on 12/Jun/2023 :

    Title : your help please
    Comment : Good evening. I just received my order and I am thrilled! One question please. Should the lighting stay on all the time? Thanks

    By R. R. on 11/Apr/2023 :

    Title : Otimo
    Comment : Ajuda muito

    By G. R. on 01/Mar/2023 :

    Title : Good product
    Comment : Nice kit for growing your plants

    By K. A. on 27/Feb/2023 :

    Title : K A
    Comment : Parfait

    By W. W. on 06/Feb/2023 :

    Title : Walter
    Comment : perfect !!!!

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From Mikel Herrera | 2021-03-05 09:59:29

Hi, I’ve bought this kit but don’t know where to ínstert the batteries cause there’s not a screw in the lid. How can I open the lid!? Help please

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please follow the instruction below to add the batteries to the new propagator: 1. The batteries are housed inside the black cover, under the LED lights. Detach the lid of the battery compartment by applying pressure to one side of the lid. 2. Take the batteries out of the plastic wrapper. Position them as indicated by the + and - signs inside the battery compartment. 3. Touch the tactile pad to check that the batteries have been inserted correctly. The LED lights should light up. Replace the lid to its original position—a “popping” sound will indicate that it’s secure. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

From Vladislav | 2019-10-11 15:44:00

Hi, is possible to buy a starter kit without seeds?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Hi Vladislav, Thanks for your message. It is not possible to buy a starter kit without seeds. Best regards,

From Christian | 2018-09-14 17:15:26

Can you use the starter kit for CBD strains as well?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It can be used with all the seeds.

From Xanax1904 | 2018-04-26 15:16:41

Boas eu queria perguntar se não da para trocar as sementes critical por sementes amnésia haze?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All the Starter Kit come already made and it is not possible to change the Strain on it.

From Martins Pereira Luís | 2018-03-16 11:04:36

A luz tem ficar ligada 24 /24 ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can leave the lights on until you have to transplant the seedlings. The lights will lead to come out of the soil.

From Io | 2018-02-26 02:46:39

How many seeds are in a starter kit and what kind are they?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

3 Seeds of Critical, it is specified in the product description.

From Bartek | 2018-01-31 09:24:43

Is it possible to buy starter kit without seeds?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The Starter Kit comes with the seeds, it is not possible to take them out of the pack.

From Wessel Verbeken | 2018-01-20 08:09:11

Do i need to water them, or is there enoug moist in the soil, after soaking them in Bacto untill they sprout?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You don't need to water the plants during the germination.

From Andrea | 2018-01-16 18:30:10

quanti semi escono dal kit?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The kit includes three Seeds of Critical.

From Zyxo | 2018-01-02 14:23:58

J'aimerai savoir pendant combien de temps pouvons nous laisser les graines dans ce kit ? Et si on peut pas finir la pousse dedans quelle type de lumière on besoin ce type de graine ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You have all this information in the video we have in the product page.

From Stoner | 2017-11-06 21:07:24

Do these seeds will grow fully in box? Or I need to replace after some time ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You will need to move the seeds to a bigger pot after they sprout. The roots need more space to grow.

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