• White Widow Auto
  • White Widow Automatic
  • White Widow Automatic
  • White Widow Auto
  • White Widow Automatic
  • White Widow Auto
  • White Widow Auto + 1

White Widow Auto

White Widow x Ruderalis

The White Widow Auto strain is a new cross of the classic Dutch strain White Widow, recognised by most smokers and growers as an absolute classic strain. We got our hands on a great clone of the original White Widow variety and crossed it with our finest ruderalis to create these autoflower seeds.
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White Widow Auto: White Widow S1 & Ruderalis Create a High-Quality Auto

White Widow is more than just one of the most famous cannabis strains in the world; it provides the genetic foundation for many other classic strains beloved by growers of every experience level. Now, it is possible for beginner growers and impatient farmers to bring White Widow buds to harvest at lightning speed. Welcome, White Widow Auto.

Growing White Widow Auto Seeds

Like with the original photoperiod White Widow, from these seeds grow plants with wide, dark green leaves and thick buds dusted with a heavy coating of resin by the end of the flowering phase. White Widow Auto replicates many characteristics of the original WW, but takes only 75–85 days total crop time! The main differences with our variant are its compact size, fast growth, and slightly more stoney, physical effects.

Yield of White Widow Auto

The buds, despite their hybrid genetics, display an indica appearance and effect. White Widow Auto has a woody, pungent, earthy aroma and taste, similar to but not as strong as White Widow. This strain was bred for a few years to ensure stability in the genetics. Indoors, it will grow to an average height of around 50cm, with some larger plants reaching 100cm. White Widow Auto seeds will produce robust plants that can yield around 190–240g, depending on conditions. Indoor growers will be just as fortunate, achieving yields of up to 450g/m².

Video id: 118587742
White Widow Auto data sheet
Strain Type: Autoflowering
THC: 14%
CBD: Medium
Yield Indoor : 400 - 450 gr/m2
Yield Outdoor: 190 - 240 gr/plant
Height Indoor: 40 - 80 cm
Height Outdoor: 50 - 110 cm
Flowering time: 7 - 8 weeks
Harvest Month: 10 - 12 weeks after sprouting
Genetic Background: White Widow x ruderalis
Type: Sativa 40% Indica 40% Ruderalis 20%
Effect: Physically Relaxing, Stoned
Climate: Long Summers
Flavour: Earthy, Pepper, Pine

    By J. P. on 18/Oct/2024 :

    Title : Jenny
    Comment : Lieblingspflanze, klein und kompakt mit tollem Ergebnis

    By R. S. on 17/Oct/2024 :

    Title : Absolutely Beautiful Plant
    Comment : I'm getting ready to harvest and dry. This plant is tall, thick and each bud is absolutely gorgeous. Will by more of these in auto. 85 days from sprout to harvest.

    By N. V. on 12/Oct/2024 :

    Title : Neo strain
    Comment : I tried White Widow some 15 years ago or more, and it was astounding, especially for someone who did not have access to good-quality products. I had to try it again here as soon as I was preparing my first purchase, and I wasn't disappointed. This "neo" auto White Widow was great and very easy to grow for an unexperienced grower. I seriously recommend it if you're starting your home-growing endeavour.

    By K. Z. on 04/Oct/2024 :

    Title : Herr
    Comment : Super gewachsen, ohne Probleme.

    By N. B. on 03/Oct/2024 :

    Title : super
    Comment : einfach gut

    By T. S. on 29/Sep/2024 :

    Title : S.t
    Comment : Alles Supi gewesen, dafür das es Automatics sind. Einer meiner Lieblinge geworden

    By N. G. on 23/Sep/2024 :

    Title : very good
    Comment : very good

    By M. S. on 05/Sep/2024 :

    Title : MSW
    Comment : Mis en pot une graine. Aucun soucis de croissance, facile à cultiver . 58 grs de récolté à sec. Place à l’affinage maintenant. Magnifique odeur .

    By A. H. on 02/Sep/2024 :

    Title : Mr
    Comment : Au top

    By M. S. on 20/Aug/2024 :

    Title : Mi
    Comment : Super easy. Waren ca. 80 cm hoch, gezogen im Gewächshaus in einer Hydrokultur. Pro Pflanze ca. 90g geerntet (Nass). Zusätzliche Beleuchtung im Gewächshaus mit moderater Düngung. Geschmacklich okay, Wirkung für mich als 1x im Monat Konsument sehr stark😁

    By Y. K. on 26/Aug/2024 :

    Title : White widow
    Comment : Very nice to grow and delivers as you would expect

    By M. B. on 06/Aug/2024 :

    Title : M.B
    Comment : 3 Samen gekauft und von 3 sind 1 Samen gekeimt leider :(

    By J. G. on 06/Aug/2024 :

    Title : J
    Comment : Top geeignet für Anfänger :)

    By O. F. on 31/Jul/2024 :

    Title : Oscar
    Comment : My very first try. Bought 3 seeds and only got one to germinate and it eventually died off due to under watering. This was likely user error and I will order again. Looking forward to white widow! Good stuff RQS.

    By U. G. on 17/Jul/2024 :

    Title : mein erster grow (zusammen mit Royal Dwarf auto)
    Comment : Dies war mein erster Grow überhaupt und als solcher ein 85% outdoor grow mit Unterstützung durch eine kleine no name growlampe anfänglich im Keimlingsstadium und danach durch eine Jackson Nemesis 250 W (growthejungle.com). Keimung in Papiertüchern ab dem 12.04., dann nach ca. 2 Tagen umsetzen in einen kleinen Setzlingstopf aus Karton, später umgesetzt in einen großen Topf ca. 11 Liter. Wie gesagt, ich bin unerfahren und es ist mein erster grow. Gedüngt habe ich mit einem Bambusdünger, Blaukorn und einem Heckendünger, später mit Compo Bloom NPK 3-3-3. Ernte war dann am 29.06., also gute 11 Wochen von Aussaat bis zur Ernte. Die Blüten duften traumhaft Ich habe dann ca. 120 g nass und 31 g trockene Blüten bekommen. Der Rauch etwas kratzig, wird aber nun schon nach der 1. Woche Fermentation (62% Feuchtigkeitsregulatoren von RQS sehr empfehlenswert!) deutlich weicher. Das High klebt dich an die Couch und will dir die Augen schließen, damit du dich ganz in Ruhe deinem nun etwas erweiterten Bewusstsein hingeben kannst. So konnte ich Wärme intensiv spüren und an jeden Ort meines Körpers verteilen, ich war total entspannt, müde, stoned. Der Schlaf ist aber dann nicht besonders erholsam sondern man ist eher aufgekratzt müde. Ich fand den Effekt auch stark aphrodisierend. Insgesamt schöne erste Erfahrung mit meinem ersten grow, allerdings suche ich jetzt eher nach Pflanzen mit deutlich weniger body-stoned effect und eher zitrushaltige Phänotypen.

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From Alvaro Mendiola | 2018-06-09 17:21:26

Por lo que tengo entendido en climas calurosos si conviene sacar la planta a exteriores y cuando hace frío es preferible tenerla en interiores? En el caso que sea interiores, tendría que estar el 100% de su vida dentro y no sacarla nunca? Gracias de antemano

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Puedes cultivas igualmente en exterior en climas más fríos, pero es importante elegir la mejor semilla para cada caso. Para más información, por favor, accede al siguiente enlace: https://www.royalqueenseeds.es/content/175-las-mejores-semillas-de-cannabis-de-exterior-por-clima

From Francesco De Vita | 2018-06-04 00:43:48

di quanti watt è consigliabile avere la lampada per crescere in grow box 3 piante di white widow?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please refer to the following link for information about this matter: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-cannabis-cultivation-tips-how-to-set-up-indoor-grow-lights-n670

From M | 2018-02-14 14:19:12

Firstly your service and seeds are absolutely brilliant. This is my first ever grow and I am unsure when to switch nutrients, on the data sheet it says 7-8 weeks till flowering and 12 for harvest. Is this timescale approximated from germination?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, always since germination.

From Jackson | 2018-01-23 08:21:52

Bonjour, peut elle aussi se planter en outdoor ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All our seeds can be planted indoors and outdoors. However we do not recommend you to putting seeds outdoors before the start of Spring.

From Alessandro | 2017-11-15 12:19:24

the outdoor performance refers to the product already made to dry or not?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The yield shown is always referring to dry yield.

From Nicolas Hollande | 2017-11-13 00:58:01

Hello, is this automatic white widow a good one for a climate like Paris ? And in this kind of climate, when is the best time to plant the seeds in outdoor ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All the outdoors strains should be planted in Spring. All the automatic Strains should be fine for your climate, however this Strain is considered within the top 5 varieties for colder weather: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-top-5-autoflowering-strains-for-cold-climates-n469

From Callum | 2017-11-11 17:04:07

What is the ideal temp for veg and flower ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please take a look at the below article from our Cannabis Blog, it will give you a very helpful insight on this matter: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-indoor-cannabis-growing-relative-humidity-and-temperatures-n243

From anonym Weed | 2017-11-09 21:34:20

welchen ph wert sollte die erde für diese pflanze haben und wieviel wasser benötigen sie pro tag ?( bin anfänger)

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Our blog is full of valuable information, please take a look at the below link: https://www.royalqueenseeds.de/blog-erklaerung-des-ph-werts-und-seiner-auswirkungen-auf-cannabispflanzen-n87

From anonym | 2017-11-08 23:11:39

wie viel volumen braucht ein topf für 1 pflanze ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

There is no right answer to this question. It would depend on where are you planning to plant and how big you would like it to be.

From Julius | 2017-11-06 20:43:45

Can i fit 4 of the plants in a 60x60 cm growbox? Otherwise what is the suggested space the plant needs to grow most efficient?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It would depend on the shape of the pots and how many you can fit in your tent. But we would recommend to use 12L pots max.

From Jonny | 2017-10-12 21:44:44

Hi, Can this strain survive and flourish in Autumn/winter at 10-20° outdoor? And how could be the yield per plant?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We do not recommend to expose the plants to such low temperatures. However if you decide to go for it please bear in mind that the yield would not be the same as shown in the data sheet, the results stated there are taking in consideration that the plant has grown in optimal conditions.

From Andrea | 2017-10-04 16:03:40

How much grums this white widow autoflorenting produce indoor?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can check this information in the Data Sheet, this numbers are always considering that the plant has grown in optimal condition. The indoor Yield is 400-450 g/m2

From Alex | 2017-10-04 00:44:34

Hallo wie viele von den bekommt man ohne Platz Probleme auf 1m2 ? Kann man die sorte eng an eng stellen oder wächst sie eher sehr in die breite ? Lg

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It would always depend on the size of the pots, rather than a set number of plants per meter. You need to ensure that you have enough light for all the plants. However if you need to get an average answer we could tell you that you can put 10 plants in pots of 6l.

From Etha Brace | 2017-10-03 17:39:14

I planted White Widow outside on 22/05/17. It's in buds now, when do I haven't it? Thanks!

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We would recommend you to have a look at the below video to help on this. http://bit.ly/HarvestRQS

From Mario Vernaldi | 2017-09-29 02:19:38

Was für eine lampe nehm ich am besten dafür?wieviel watt?ich wollte eine led vollspektrum lampe nehmen?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Bitte schauen Sie sich den untenstehenden Eingang aus unserem Blog an. Wir hoffen, dass es Ihnen helfen wird, Ihre Entscheidung zu treffen: https://www.royalqueenseeds.de/blog-die-verschiedenen-arten-von-lampen-fur-cannabis-vor-und-nachteile-n276

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Cannabis seeds can be freely distributed within the EU under the principle of mutual recognition. However, it is your own responsibility to research your local laws and regulations before ordering.