
Can You Fertilise Cannabis With Coconut Water?
Put your cannabis plants on a vegan diet with coconut water. In this blog, we explore the potential of using coconut water as a fertiliser for cannabis plants throughout their lifecycle. If you are looking for an organic alternative to chemical nutrient solutions, coconut water could be the answer.
Coconut water[1] is the nutrient-rich water contained within a coconut. Not to be mistaken for coconut milk, which is a preparation derived from the coconut pulp, coconut water is clear liquid found inside green coconuts and is used on many occasions in plant tissue culture medium formulations[2]. This low-calorie, naturally nourishing energy drink for humans is a wonderful fertiliser for plants too.
Although it’s 46% pure water, the magic 64% is rich in cytokinins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals. As a coconut is really a seed, think of it like a shell filled with organic nutrient solution. Coconut water exists to help plants grow. It just so happens to be cannabis rather than coconuts we are concerned with cultivating.
Coconut water also contains gibberellic acid, which is known to increase seed germination rates and enhance the root development of clones and seedlings[3]. Cytokinins are hormones that signal cell division and trigger root and shoot growth. As an alternative to cloning formulas, a little homemade coconut water solution is worth experimenting with for the next batch of cuttings. Try watering in 15ml/l coconut water diluted in pure water as an organic cloning solution for rooting cubes and rockwool.[4]
Again, the cytokinins in coconut water are an invaluable stimulant during vegetative growth.[5] By diluting 15ml of coconut water per litre, you can create your own coconut water fertiliser. Growers have experimented with various doses and different cannabis strains to give us an idea that between 15–50ml/l is a suitable range for fertilising mature cannabis plants.
During a heat wave or any prolonged period of high temperatures, cannabis plants can get quite thirsty, and daily watering may become essential. The outdoor grower is then faced with the dilemma of how much fertiliser to use for the increased water volume and frequency.
Coconut water is an elegant solution to this problem[6] as it plays a very important role in reversing senescence, especially of the leaves. In fact, a daily light coconut water solution is preferable to loading cannabis plants up on chemical fertilisers and flushing the next day with water. A temporary consistent coconut water feeding regime is uncomplicated and unlikely to lead to over-fertilisation or deficiencies. It might just save your cannabis plants in a drought.[7]
Treating a cannabis plant suffering from a deficiency at any stage of the lifecycle usually starts with a flush of pure water. Coconut water contains many of the micronutrients that cannabis plants require. Flushing with a light solution of coconut water has anecdotally been reported by growers as a beneficial natural tonic.
Cal/mag deficiencies late in flowering are common for cannabis growers in all mediums. Some cannabis varieties just need more micronutrients than others. But often, chemical fertilisers building up in the substrate leads to lockouts. This is where coconut water is key. Not to mention, flushing with coconut water prior to harvest could be advantageous for adding a little flavour to the crop. Coconut water is also high in natural sugars, something that helps cannabis plants thrive.
Coconut water has so many potential applications throughout the cannabis lifecycle that we would go as far as to call it an essential super supplement. Would we ditch our bottles of brand name liquid fertilisers? Certainly not. However, incorporating coconut water into the cannabis feeding regime is definitely a good idea.
In our opinion, coconut water is a valuable addition to any cannabis grower’s garden. Coconut water is very versatile. It definitely won’t clog a hydro system and it can just as easily be hand-watered to plants potted in coco or soil. We absolutely endorse coconut water as a cannabis supplement. And we’ve made far worse investments than a few immature green coconuts and a machete to hack them open. Just make sure to buy the fruit before the machete. Getting the order wrong could cause some strange scenes at the supermarket fruit and vegetable aisle.
- Molecules | Free Full-Text | The Chemical Composition and Biological Properties of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Water https://www.mdpi.com
- Molecules | Free Full-Text | The Chemical Composition and Biological Properties of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Water https://www.mdpi.com
- Application of Gibberellic Acid (GA₃) and Coconut Water with Stratification on Morphological, Anatomical, and Germination of Cherry Seed (Prunus jamasakura) | Atlantis Press https://www.atlantis-press.com
- Application of Gibberellic Acid (GA₃) and Coconut Water with Stratification on Morphological, Anatomical, and Germination of Cherry Seed (Prunus jamasakura) | Atlantis Press https://www.atlantis-press.com
- Regulation of plant growth by cytokinin - PubMed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Cytokinins. New Insights into a Classic Phytohormone | Plant Physiology | Oxford Academic https://academic.oup.com
- https://www.cell.com/trends/plant-science/fulltext/S1360-1385(99)01425-9?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS1360138599014259%3Fshowall%3Dtrue