Carson Microbrite Plus Pocket Microscope: Know Your Plants on a Deeper Level
From a distance, cannabis plants appear as a mass of green tissue and resin. But look a little closer, and you’ll come across a world of beautiful structures, tiny life forms, and all of the intricacies of cannabis anatomy. Not only does diving into this microscopic world provide hours of stoned entertainment, but it also allows growers to gain valuable insight into the status of their plants. The Carson Microbrite Plus Pocket Microscope features up to 120x magnification and a bright LED light that work together to produce crisp images of trichomes, insects, pistils, and more.
Carson Microbrite Plus: Change Your Perspective
This handy pocket-sized tool will give you a whole new perspective of your plants as you stroll around your grow room or garden. Get up close and personal with flowers, fan leaves, and stems with 60–120x magnification. On top of such impressive magnification, the device illuminates the subject with an inbuilt LED that makes images crystal clear.
The Carson Microbrite Plus fits perfectly in the palm of the hand and features a tactile grip pad, making it pleasant to handle. The lever next to the eye piece works to increase or decrease the magnification, whereas the spinning wheel further down the device alters the focus of whatever you’re inspecting.
Microbrite Plus: Perfecting for Exploring, Diagnosing, and Harvesting
Adding the Carson Microbrite Plus to your growing toolbox will add a whole new dimension to your cultivation experience. The device really comes to the fore at harvest time. Taking a close look at those glandular trichomes will help you harvest your flowers at exactly the right time, ensuring optimal cannabinoid levels.
The Carson Microbrite Plus will also enable you to monitor the biodiversity in your garden. Take a closer look at the insects lingering in your growing space. If they’re beneficial species, your companion plants are paying off. If they’re pests, you’ll need to implement some management strategies!