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How to Make Hash at Home
What is hash? How is it made? Our detailed walkthrough will answer these questions, and more, to help you better understand this wonderful cannabis product. We’ll also explore numerous hash-making methods so you can decide which is best for you!
Have you ever wondered how to make hashish? It’s one of the most potent cannabis products out there. It can involve quite some tedious processes, but it’s not impossible to do on your own—far from it! In fact, you can make your own hash stash at home if you have the right tools at your disposal.
Did that pique your interest? Well, dear reader, we have a lot more for you. As you read through this article, you’ll learn more about what hash really is. Then, we’ll walk you through the different processes of making hash, which should give you an idea of what your preferred method would be.
What Is Hash?
Here’s hash in a nutshell: when you separate the trichomes from the cannabis plant, you get hashish. Now, what are trichomes, you ask? Look for the hair-like structures on the surface of your buds. Each one of these, as you might’ve guessed, are the trichomes.
If you haven’t seen trichomes up close yet, try putting a bud under a magnifying glass or microscope and have a look for yourself. They’re also that sticky resin you feel between your fingers, and contain all the good stuff like terpenes and our beloved THC and CBD.
Although most trichomes are found on mature cannabis flowers, they can be sourced from all over the plant in smaller concentrations. Many growers save their “trim” (cannabis stems, leaves, etc.) because they can extract all the trichomes to make edibles or, as we'll soon detail, hash.
Hash vs Kief
Until recently, trichomes were referred to as simply “kief”, which appears as a fine powder not unlike sand.
Hash is the byproduct of kief that’s been extracted from the cannabis plant and subjected to a variety of processes. There are numerous hash-making methods out there, which we will discuss in the next portion of this article, but generally, it involves heating and pressurisation, with the end result being either a pliable ball or a flat brick.
People who love their concentrates, but prefer an easy, affordable extraction option, use kief as their primary starting point. It is highly psychotropic and fairly easy to source.
From What Parts of the Cannabis Plant Can Hash Be Made?
Cannabis is more complex than you might think. You can use various parts of the plant’s anatomy to source trichomes:
- Male plants: Growers usually dispose of male cannabis plants to avoid pollinating their females. But don’t throw out your males just yet, because you can use them to make homemade hash. Though their overall cannabinoid content is lower than the females, the trichomes can still be put to good use.
- Fan leaves: These are the largest and most recognisable leaves on the cannabis plant. They don’t contain as much kief as the sugar leaves, but are still valuable for making hash.
- Sugar leaves: These are the very small, spiky leaves you’ll find embedded within the flowers. They’re called sugar leaves because they contain a fine dusting of trichomes on their surface.
- Dried Buds: This is the best option. Dried buds are commonly used in dry sifting, which is also one of the easiest methods of making hash.
How Is Hash Made?
The umbrella concept of making hash is pretty straightforward. As we’ve previously mentioned, it involves collecting kief and forming it into either a brick, block, or ball using a variety of mechanisms. Let’s explore the key differences between solvent-based and solventless hash before digging deeper into various production methods.
Solventless Methods
This is the traditional way of making hash, which does not involve any solvents. Instead, you use mechanical means—which can be as simple as using your hands or setting up a silkscreen. In the latter case, you'd simply take your dried herb and rub it onto a screen to separate the trichomes.
After you’ve turned the trichomes into a pile of kief, you scoop them up into molds, heat them, and press them into blocks, spheres, or snakes.
Solvent-Based Methods
Hash created through the use of solvents is the more modern way of doing things. In this process, butane, propane, or CO₂ is used to extract the cannabinoids and terpenes from the trichomes.
Before the hash is safe to consume, the solvent residue must be purged. For BHO (butane hash oil), you’ll need to either whip it into a wax using a hot plate or put it through a vacuum desiccation chamber. It is highly flammable and therefore very dangerous, so it’s not recommended to perform this method at home.
How to Make Hash at Home: Different Methods
Luckily for you, in this piece, we’re going to focus on the safer methods of making hash. Below are some hash-making techniques that don’t involve the use of solvents.
Hand Rolling
This method is pretty self-explanatory. As the name suggests, the hand-rolling method involves handling large amounts of cannabis. Typically, this method is performed on dried, cured buds.
Rolling the buds between the palms, you'll soon see a black layer of sticky resin form. You’ll know you’ve gathered enough material once you’re able to form small spheres of hash.
Here’s an important factor to note: since you’re using your hands, expect to also collect some of the oils and dirt from the skin. So before you dive right in, be sure to wash your hands well.
Shoe Method
The shoe method compresses a small amount of kief for a low-hassle way of making hash. As the name suggests, it involves the use of your shoe.
- Five grams of kief
- Small piece of tape
- Parchment paper or cellophane
- Pin
- Wrap your material tightly in either the parchment paper or cellophane. Use the tape to prevent it from constantly unfolding. Avoid using plastic bags because the hash has a tendency to stick to it.
- Using a pin, punch a small hole through the package to allow the trapped air to seep out. Make sure it is securely sealed.
- Once the package is locked in tight, place it inside the heel of your shoe. You’ll want to use boots, or any hard-soled closed footwear, because they are much better for pressing.
- The weight you’ll administer as you walk, along with your body heat, will help press the hash into a slab. This method will take at least 15 minutes and up to an hour to complete.
Turning Kief Into Hash
Just like the first method on this list, pressing kief into hash is mostly hand labor. It is the most convenient method because you don’t need any special equipment—but do ready yourself for quite an exercise. If you’re not used to this kind of method, expect some sore hands after.
For this process, you’ll want to use some medium to high-quality kief. Be sure it is freshly sieved and devoid of any plant material for easier molding.
- Measure out a small amount of kief. You’ll know you have the right amount if the mound fits perfectly in the palm of your hand (it usually takes a few grams).
- Work with this little pile by rolling it together until it binds into one solid piece. Continue rubbing it in between the palms for about ten more minutes until you notice a change in density.
- Wrap the material in cellophane and make sure it is tightly sealed without excess air inside. Next, wrap this package in a few layers of a damp cloth, newspaper, or paper towels.
- Place it onto a warmed skillet over very low heat. Be sure to turn it frequently. You don’t need to heat this package for too long. All you’re after is for the material to stick together.
Flat Screening, Aka Dry Sifting
Flat screening is a very easy and straightforward method. All you’ll need is some dried herb and a silkscreen. That’s about it.
Do note that the smaller the holes you’re working with, the purer quality of hash you’ll get. Basically, the quality and quantity you’ll yield will depend on the tools you’re using.
An important step to remember beforehand is to freeze your cannabis stash for a good few hours. Doing this will make it easier for the trichomes to separate from the plant.
- To begin this process, place the screen on top of a flat and clean surface. Add the buds/trim on top of the screen.
- Gently rub the material against the screen in a circular motion. You’ll see all the trichomes fall on the surface below the screen.
- Continue this process for as long as needed. You’ll know you have enough when you’ve got about 10% of the total weight of your trim in trichomes.
Blender Method
As the name suggests, you’ll need a blender for this method. But, like dry sifting, you’ll also need a silkscreen on hand.
- Place your trim into the blender and add water until it fills up all the greens. Add a handful of ice and blend for up to a minute.
- After that short blend, pour the mixture into a glass jar using the silkscreen to act as a sieve. Let the jar sit unattended for about an hour. During this time, you’ll see the trichomes settle on the bottom of the jar. That means you’re on the right track.
- Empty out about ⅔ of the water, but be sure to prevent those trichomes from spilling out. Refill the jar with ice water, and once again leave it to settle for up to five minutes. Re-drain ⅔ of the water, and repeat this process four to five times.
- Once you’ve emptied out as much water as you can, get a coffee filter and pour the solution over it to separate the water from the trichomes. Squeeze any excess water and allow the kief to dry.
It’s quite a tedious process, but the dried-out kief is your final product. No more heating or pressing required, and you can use it as is in a bowl or joint.
Dry Ice Hash, Aka Bubble Hash
The bubble hash method is considered to be the purest solventless hash-making process (dry ice is not considered a “true” solvent here) as the final product contains practically zero plant matter.
- Dry ice
- Large bucket
- Gradually finer bubble mesh bags (73μm for purest resin result)
- Credit card
- Pollen press (optional)
- Place the trim or flower into a large bucket with the dry ice. Stir and shake lightly for a few minutes to help the resin glands separate from the plant material.
- Wrap the bubble bags around the top of the bucket. Turn the bucket upside down to transfer everything into the bags, and place onto a large, flat, and clean surface.
- Shake the bucket for a few minutes until you see the surface filled with amber-looking dust.
- Take a card or any flat and hard material and use it to scrape all the product (now resin) together.
- To turn the resin into hash, place the collected material into a pollen press for nice little kief coins.
Hot Water Bottle Method
The hot water bottle method is similar to doing it by hand. The difference, however, is that with this one, more heat is needed to melt the waxy cuticle off each trichome head.
- Cellophane or parchment paper
- Wine bottle
- Put the resin on top of the cellophane or paper, then fold it in half. Boil some water and fill the wine bottle with it. Allow it to cool for five minutes.
- Place the wine bottle on top of the resin-filled folder paper and leave it there for 30 seconds. You should see the resin darken in color.
- Using very minimal pressure, roll the warm bottle over the paper. With the help of the pressure from your hand and the heat from the bottle, the resin should melt with relative ease.
- Flip the paper over to the other side and repeat the same process.
- After this process is complete, the resin should look like a flattened but sticky and shiny meat patty. Fold the paper back over and continue the pressing process one last time before taking it out for use.
This method is exactly like the hand rolling method, with the difference being that charas uses uncured buds. Most growers will remove a few cuttings from plants that are 2–3 weeks away from full maturity. Others, however, will wait until harvest time.
Like with hand rolling, the charas method involves rubbing the buds and trim gently between the palms of your hands until a thick coat appears. Scrape it off once done, and voila: you have a product you can add to your favorite buds in a joint, blunt, pipe, or bong.
Mechanical Drum
For those who have the monetary resources and want a machine to do the work for them, the mechanical drum method will be best for you. It is essentially the dry sifting method, but uses a complex and efficient apparatus.
Here’s how it works: you’ll place your trim into a container that is covered by a large silkscreen. The machine then shakes the container to release all the trichomes, but do take note that this method is just for extracting kief. You will still need a pollen press to turn your product into hash coins.
For best results, freeze your cannabis for about three hours before placing it into the machine.
How to Dry Your Hash
Drying and curing your hash is vital to preserving its quality. Storing it moist will only kick off the process of fungi or mold development.
Bubble hash, in particular, requires sufficient drying and curing for best results. To rid the kief of moisture, it’s best to spread it out on a piece of cardboard lined with parchment paper. Spreading it out will increase the surface area and speed up the process, and the cardboard will draw out the moisture from the kief. You want to make sure you’re drying your bubble hash in a cool, dark environment.
After drying, it’s time to allow the hash to cure in whatever form you see fit (such as hash coins). Storing it in parchment paper in humidity-controlled glass jars is a good option, and will help mature its flavor and aroma.
Choose the Right Hash-Making Method for You
Which hash-making method you choose will depend on the resources you have on hand and your preferences. Do you have the money to spend on more elaborate machines, and if you do, are you willing to spend it on that?
You will need to spend a little on the silkscreen, bubble bags, and dry ice, but the benefit is being able to make hash in the comfort of your own home. The best part: it really isn’t that difficult.
Hopefully, this article will guide you successfully through your hash-making venture. Best of luck to you!
If you’re thinking of making a fresh batch of hash, then you should definitely consider using Royal Gorilla, but only if you can handle enormous levels of THC. This monster is the result of an ambitious growing project featuring parent strains Sour Dubb, Chem Sis, and Chocolate Diesel. This strain shows no mercy and offers instant and long-lasting highs fueled by THC values of over 25%. What’s more, she has a genetic makeup consisting of 50% sativa genetics and 50% indica genetics, offering a powerful effect that is equally balanced between the domains of the body and mind. The sativa elements wake up the brain and open the gates to in-depth creative thinking and problem solving, whereas the indica aspects send a warm and comforting feeling into the muscles.
This award-winning variety pumps out large quantities of resin during the flowering phase of the grow cycle, making her a dream for growers that like to hand-rub hash fresh from the flowers. This highly psychoactive hash can be molded into balls and blocks, and gives of pleasant scents of earthiness and pine. Royal Gorilla favors a warm climate and will produce more resin for hash production if provided with these settings. Indoor plants raised within grow rooms or tents have the capacity to reach heights of 62.4 inches and put out large yields of 19.4 oz/m², considering adequate lighting and nutrients are provided. Plants cultivated in larger outdoor spaces will grow to slightly taller heights of 66.3 inches and produce yields of up to 21.2 oz. Growers should expect to harvest and trim these flowers during the middle of October. Royal Gorilla has a flowering time of 8–9 weeks.
Royal Gorilla
Sour Dubb x Chem Sis x Chocolate Diesel | |
18 to 19 oz/m² | |
3 to 5 feet | |
8 - 10 weeks | |
THC: 27% |
Sativa 50% Indica 50% | |
19 to 21 oz/plant | |
4 to 6 feet | |
Middle of October | |
Calming, Clear |
Hash is known for producing a euphoric and buzzing high, so it only makes sense to select genetics that are going to emphasize these effects. Sour Diesel will certainly accomplish this task. This sativa-heavy strain consists of 70% sativa genetics and 30% indica genetics, giving her a fiery and energetic kick that goes hand in hand with the “upper” effect of good-quality hash. She is the result of a diverse lineup of strains including Original Diesel, Northern Light, Shiva, and Hawaiian. Smoking a joint loaded with her flowers will catalyse a clear-headed and lucid high that boosts alertness and critical thinking. Hash crafted using these flowers unleashes taste bud-teasing flavors of herbs and sourness.
Sour Diesel produces small and compact bright green flowers that form neatly shaped nuggets. Upon closer inspection, growers will be happy to witness high numbers of trichomes that pump out large quantities of psychoactive resin. This trait makes her a high-performing hash plant. Simply get rubbing away to collect the good stuff. Sour Diesel thrives in a mild to warm climate and performs well indoors and outdoors. Indoor plants offer generous yields of 16.8 – 18.5 oz/m² and grow to heights of between 90–62.4 inches. Outdoor plants produce yields of 21.2 oz and achieve heights of 78 inches. Plants grown outdoors will be ready for harvesting and processing during late October. Sour Diesel has a flowering period of 10–11 weeks, but the wait is worth it.
Sour Diesel
Original Diesel x (Northern light x Shiva x Hawaiian) | |
17 to 18 oz/m² | |
3 to 5 feet | |
10 - 11 weeks | |
THC: 19% |
Sativa 70% Indica 30% | |
19 to 21 oz/plant | |
5 to 7 feet | |
Late October | |
Clear, Physically Relaxing |
ICE, otherwise known as Indica Crystal Extreme, is named after her massive trichome production. The large and bulbous flowers of this strain look as though they have endured snowfall, but in fact it's just huge amounts of resin! It’s as though this specimen was designed entirely for hash-making; each rub will leave layers of viscous resin glued to the palms of the hand. It won’t take long at all until you have a large temple ball constructed. Her stellar hash genetics stem from parent strains Afghan, Northern Light, and Skunk. This mix has created a highly indica-dominant strain that provides an instant body high when inhaled. The effects are relaxing, meditative, and therapeutic. Smoking this hash in a candlelit room in the evening is a one-way ticket to calming euphoria. Each hit is enriched by flavors of spices, herbs, and mint. A THC value of 18% ensures satisfying highs that aren’t overly intense.
ICE grows well both indoors and outdoors, providing rewarding outcomes in either environment. Indoor plants turn out yields of up to 15.9 oz/m² and stretch to heights of 46.8 inches. Their outdoor counterparts achieve yields of between 500–19.4 oz/plant and taller heights of 78 inches. Expect to be harvesting outdoor crops during September. ICE has a flowering time of 8–10 weeks.