
How To Make Cannabis-Infused Waffles
Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. After a long night, or before an equally arduous day, breakfast anchors our body and helps us prepare. What better way to secure both your mind and body against the day's challenges than with a euphoria-inducing, wholesome favorite—cannabis-infused waffles.
Hit the ground running with cannabis-infused waffles. OK, so maybe you might not be running in the physical sense, but your mind will be riding intense waves of euphoria. Let’s face it, breakfast waffles taste so good, by adding cannabis they are bound to be a surefire hit. The crucial ingredient in cannabis waffles is cannabutter. For your convenience, we have included a recipe for this too.
If you do like to venture on the wild side and try unique and exciting toppings with your cannabis-infused waffles, see the bottom of this article for some genuinely mind-altering suggestions.
- 1 cup salted butter
- 0.2 oz of ground decarboxylated cannabis buds (a strain of your choice)
- Medium-sized saucepan
- Medium-sized bowl
- Cheesecloth
- Spatula
- Using low heat, melt the salted butter in a medium-sized saucepan. Once the butter has melted, add the finely ground, dried buds and stir for an even consistency.
- Simmer on low heat for 45 mins. Stir regularly to ensure the butter does not burn.
- Place the cheesecloth over the top of a medium-sized bowl. Strain the butter through the cheesecloth, so the liquid collects in the bowl below. Use the back of a spatula to push as much butter through the cloth as possible. You don’t want to waste any.
- Discard the remaining plant matter, and transfer the cannabutter to the fridge to solidify. You will need to leave it for at least an hour. Afterwards, the butter can be cut into blocks and placed in the freezer, ready for when you need it.
- 2 eggs
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 tsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp granulated sugar
- 2 cups of self-rising flour
- 2 cups of warm milk
- ½ cup cannabutter (recipe above)
- Whisk
- Large bowl
- Waffle iron
- Spatula
- Non-stick cooking spray
Servings: 2–4 waffles
- While the waffle iron is preheating, beat the eggs in a large bowl until they’re fluffy. Then, add the milk, the melted cannabutter, sugar, salt, vanilla extract, baking powder, and flour (a bit at a time), stirring throughout. Continue until the entire mixture is smooth.
- Apply a liberal coating of non-stick cooking spray to the waffle iron before pouring the mixture onto it. Bake until the waffle turns golden brown.
- Serve hot on a plate with a small fork. Delicious! However, the taste sensation does not end there.
The real beauty of breakfast waffles is they go incredibly well with virtually any topping. Maple syrup, icing sugar, chocolate sauce, fresh fruit, whipped cream—anything goes. There is only one requirement with toppings. No portion control. Add as much or as little as you like. After all, you just prepared the waffles, so you deserve to indulge.
If there is a sauce or complement to a dish you like, try adding it to waffles. Over the years we have seen liquorice allsorts, marmite, even eggs and ketchup added to waffles. Blow your mind and your taste buds with our diverse and tasty cannabis-infused waffles.