
Must-Know Tips for Flying With CBD Oil
Is it safe to take CBD oil with you on a plane? Well, it depends. Read on to learn the facts surrounding flying with CBD. This way, you can be confident you aren't breaking any rules.
A total of 29 states have implemented medical marijuana in the US, and this includes the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. However, federal regulations still classify cannabis as a Schedule I illicit drug, which means that there remains a myriad of restrictions surrounding the use of the plant. In Europe, cannabis laws vary from one country to another, but the most lenient ones are the Netherlands, Spain, and Germany, to name a few.
One of the issues cannabis users face in light of these federal laws is having cannabis in their possession while on a plane. While it may be understandable for actual buds to raise suspicion, many wonder where non-psychotropic CBD oil falls when it comes to restrictions on cannabis. In this article, we delve deeper into transporting CBD onto a plane, and offer some information you must know if you plan on doing so.
Before deciding on a whim to bring CBD with you on your air travels, it’s important to establish your reason for doing so. After all, having any form of cannabis on you could result in you receiving much more interrogation or attention than you want. Most people who fly with CBD do so in order to ensure they are never without their favorite CBD products.
CBD is a part of many people’s daily regimen. As such, many individuals may not want to relinquish this when travelling. Further still, others actually use CBD while flying, without the side effects of psychotropic substances.
Whatever your reason may be, it ideally must be “valid enough” for you to put yourself at risk of catching heat from law enforcement on the hunt for illicit substances. In this event, having a good reason to backup your decision can’t hurt.
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), along with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes non-psychoactive CBD products, so when it comes to travelling with CBD oil, it must have a THC content below 0.3% to be cleared. With that said, users are advised to purchase their merchandise exclusively from a reputable company with a Certificate of Analysis from a reliable laboratory that explicitly outlines the content of your product.
According to Transport Security Administration (TSA) regulations, they are required to report any suspected violations of law if they encounter one. In most cases, however, TSA agents usually let these issues slide, especially if the person in question has proof of being a medical cannabis patient on his or her possession.
To err on the side of caution, it would be safer to purchase products with no mention of THC whatsoever. Even if the THC content is below 0.3%, it can still help avoid attracting any unwanted attention.
In places like the US where many states now allow for medicinal and recreational CBD, you would think it would be easy to jet from one state to another with your cannabis on hand. This is not the case, unfortunately. Even if you’re flying from one legal state to another, for example, from Oregon to nearby California, you still are prohibited from bringing any psychoactive cannabis on board, and may even be penalised for certain CBD-rich products. International flights are even more complicated.
Since you will be crossing from one country to another, you can rightfully expect tighter security measures. Governments can easily get involved, which can put you in serious situations with the law. Some countries are more lax than others, with certain territories sustaining major prison sentences and even the death penalty for cannabis possession. So make your decision wisely.
This is why it is never advised to fly internationally with any potentially illegal substance, even if it is a non-psychoactive product such as CBD. You can do your due diligence and read up on international laws, but generally, it is not something worth getting in trouble for.
Flying with CBD oil might seem like a simple process. However, carrying any type of cannabis-related product on board has the possibility of raising eyebrows.
Some locations are a lot more relaxed with CBD, whereas others might stop you for a search and questioning. Most European countries will let you straight through without an issue, whereas flying to countries such as Albania or Belarus with CBD could land you in serious trouble.
When flying with CBD, we recommend following these tips to make the process as easy and risk-free as possible.
Declaring your CBD oil at customs will help to minimise any suspicion and show that you’re acting honestly and openly. Flying to a legal country with CBD isn't against the law. However, declaring your products will help to side-step any potential issues further down the line. By acting openly, it will show to customs officers that you have nothing to hide.
Most countries have strict liquid regulations when flying, with medicines and baby foods being a common exception. In the UK, for example, passengers are limited to 100ml of fluid per container. Make sure your CBD bottles don’t exceed the regulated limit in the countries you are travelling between, as you’ll likely have them confiscated. Most CBD oils are sold in 10ml bottles, so this will rarely be an issue.
Travelling through customs with an unmarked dropper bottle filled with liquid will most likely attract suspicion. Make sure you keep the tags on your bottles so customs officials have an idea of what they contain. Even more helpful, keep your CBD oil in any external packaging, such as a cardboard box, to make it even more obvious that you’re carrying a commercial and legal product.
At Royal Queen Seeds, we recommend only purchasing CBD oils from reputable companies that send their CBD extract off for independent testing. Not only do third-party-tested CBD oils guarantee the absence of contamination, but they also stay below legal thresholds of THC. Low-quality and unregulated oils sometimes contain THC that oversteps the legal limit. In some countries, this could land you in serious trouble.
Reputable companies provide customers with a certificate of analysis. Some display a PDF on their website, whereas others are happy to send a copy following customer enquiry. This document details the precise levels of cannabinoids and terpenes within a CBD product.
A certificate of analysis will enable you to display the exact constituents within the bottle, proving the legality of the product.
If you’re unsure about the rules regarding flying with CBD oil, consider simply buying it when you get there. Do some research beforehand to see where you can buy some high-quality CBD oil in your destination country. This can save you time and stress in the process, allowing you to focus on the actual purpose of your trip.