By Luke Sumpter

If you are tired of smoking for some reason or just want to try something new, you might be interested in a recipe to make highly potent cannabis smoothies. Regular self-made smoothies are already pretty awesome without THC and CBD in it but why be satisfied with a product that can potentially be so much better when looking at it from a stoner perspective?

It’s relatively fast and easy to make cannabis infused smoothies. This blog will give you a detailed recipe as well as some ideas of how to customize it in order to get satisfying results.


Let’s start off with obligatory ingredients you need as a basis to create the smoothie itself. You can always fallow your own recipe if you want to. The part that really matters is the process of getting THC and CBD from your buds into a carrier material that will later spice up your drink.

Here is a short list of basic ingredients to follow this particular recipe for two servings:

  • 500ml of milk (customize: almond milk, organic, lactose-free or whatever you like)
  • 150ml whipping cream (liquid)
  • 3-4 table spoons of honey (can be substituted by cane sugar for example)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla (fresh vanilla is always nice but not necessary)
  • Your favorite fruit: Bananas and Strawberries, Mangos and Kiwis, Blueberries etc.
  • Be creative when buying your fruit, pick either just one type of fruit or try to find a nice match like Banana-Strawberry for example. Organically grown are usually the best!
How To Make Delicious Cannabis Smoothies


Exactly! Now it’s time to see if there is anything left from last harvest or to find out what the supply situation in terms of weed is at the moment. You don’t need a whole lot to achieve a decent potency. It’s more important to find a good way to get the THC and CBD from your buds into your smoothie, without having to chew on calyxes and leaves all the time. You need a carrier material. The most obvious is butter. You can follow the link to a recipe for producing very potent cannabutter below this blog. The other option is to just follow the following method with milk and cream.

1. You take about 0 - 0.1 oz of dank bud and grind it all up.

2. You mix the milk with the cream and heat this mixture to a temperature of 60-70°C. The cream is important because the stuff we desire likes to bond with fat. Milk alone only has a few percentages of it. Keeping temperatures down is an absolute must because the milk should never reach the state of boiling. It’s more a low simmering we aim for.

How To Make Delicious Cannabis Smoothies

3. Now happily sprinkle these wonderful herbs in your milk-cream mix and carefully heat it up to a low temperature. You need to get a feeling for the right temperature. Keep in mind that high temperatures can potentially lead to a product that is less potent due to the destruction of THC and CBD molecules. Seeing tiny bubbles at the surface, not meaning the ones from boiling is always a good sign. Let it simmer for at least 60 minutes. To be honest, it’s always best to invest a little more time when infusing carrier materials with THC. Rather do this with a relaxed attitude of a Celtic druid instead of a rushing through this important step. If you want HIGH quality, you will get HIGH quality.

4. The color of your mixture will change over time and you will most likely recognize the point when you think the heating process was long enough. Anything between 60 minutes and 8 hours of low simmering will ensure that THC and CBD will enter your milk. You don’t need the remaining parts of the bud anymore and therefore need to filter your milk-cream-cannabis mix to separate the liquid material from the solid. Let it cool down. The weed infusing process in now completed.

How To Make Delicious Cannabis Smoothies


The important step of getting THC into the milk was successfully completed and now it’s time to be a little more creative again. It's actually pretty easy: Put all of your desired ingredients into a blender, add some ice, and then get stoned! Have fun sippin’ on some of the finest drinks of the modern world: Fruit-Canna-Smoothies. Don't drink and drive!

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