By C. N. on 29/May/2017 :

    Title : Bouvet in Amsterdam Große in Germany
    Comment : Small outdoor Projekt, that one had the best results in terms of outcome and quality

    By T. F. on 22/May/2017 :

    Title : Impecável
    Comment : Plantei na minha marquise apenas com a luz solar da manhã e tá um miminho.

    By M. A. on 15/May/2017 :

    Title : Very good service!!!
    Comment : Had a bit of a issue with payment but RQS quickly sorted it out and shipped my product. Will use again!! Excellent company.

    By J. H. on 10/May/2017 :

    Title : Gooood
    Comment : Très facile à cultiver très peux d effort j ais fais 35gr par plantes

    By K. K. on 02/May/2017 :

    Title : Perfect for beginners!
    Comment : among other strains I chose this one for my first grow with automatics and I must say, this rightfully called 'easy bud' basically grows itself. couldn't be more easy, returns a satisfying yield and the product was potent as well as tasty. would strongly recommend to every new grower.

    By A. C. on 02/May/2017 :

    Title : Satisfait
    Comment : J'ai commander c'est grainé que du bonheur merci

    By F. G. on 28/Apr/2017 :

    Title : ottima qualità
    Comment : Semi di ottima qualità. Precisi e discreti!!!

    By N. M. on 24/Apr/2017 :

    Title : Very good
    Comment : Very good quality

    By A. P. on 21/Apr/2017 :

    Title : Very easy Bud
    Comment : Outdoor Grow auf Balkon mit Südausrichtung! Sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt. 40g trocken je Pflanze!! Jederzeit wieder!!!

    By N. D. on 21/Apr/2017 :

    Title : Si facile
    Comment : bonne variété qui grandit et fleurit très bien en intérieur comme en extérieur .... entretien quasi nul, facile à cultiver. Ajoutez plus de temps que préconisé pour la croissance.

    By N. P. on 17/Apr/2017 :

    Title : High quality seeds!
    Comment : Quick and perfect seeds. All fresh and strong seeds. Good Quality. Thanks RQS!

    By R. M. on 12/Apr/2017 :

    Title : Already germinating
    Comment : After only 5 days from soiling! So exited in.seeing it.growing!

    By M. L. on 31/Mar/2017 :

    Title : Easy Bud
    Comment : Easy to grow and plant give you few grams with amazing taste.

    By S. S. on 30/Mar/2017 :

    Title : Easy Bud
    Comment : Alle 3 Samen keimten recht schnell. nach 3 Wochen unter 125 Watt waren sie dann bereit für den Garten das Endprodukt war ziemlich zufriedenstellend!

    By G. C. on 24/Mar/2017 :

    Title : Easy Bud
    Comment : Variété facile à cultiver, idéale pour débuter et pour la culture dans peu d'espace. Récolte pas miraculeuse mais restant très correcte en extérieur comme en placard. Sans produit en extérieur dans de bonne condition c'est pas mal du tout pour le peu d'investissement (terreau enrichi, et de l'eau). En intérieur, même terreau, sans produit sous lampe 250w le rendu était mieux (+ ou - 50g par pied). Je recommande vivement pour celui qui veut cultiver sans se prendre la tête. Bon gout, relaxante, c'est pas pour "stoner" mais effet très agréable. Livraison et produit top.

    By A. B. on 08/Mar/2017 :

    Title : Convenable mais pas si Easy
    Comment : Alors pour parler de la Easy Bud, c'est une seed magnifique et malgré que ce soit la plante de cannabis la plus facile à cultiver n'oublier pas de prendre en compte que sa reste une graine de cannabis ! Elle à les même besoin qu'une autre variété, ampoule 125W minimum et chaleur (si ont veut une récolte convenable) Avis pour les véritable débutant qui pourrais penser avoir d'énormes récolte et rapide grâce à la Easy Bud :/ Sinon en général, commande passé et bien reçu :) Je suis à Cro +13

    By S. R. on 06/Mar/2017 :

    Title : Easy bud
    Comment : Very easy to grow! Sweet taste, grow very easy !

    By J. B. on 27/Feb/2017 :

    Title : Low budget plant
    Comment : Really easy growing, but also little harvest in comparison to normal seeds.

    By F. C. on 27/Feb/2017 :

    Title : Easy
    Comment : Tal como o nome indica, mesmo easy bud eheh. Recomendo!

    By R. L. on 23/Feb/2017 :

    Title : All terrain
    Comment : They will survive even in winter, as long as you avoid freezes and keep them inside at night. Obviously they will not grow, but at least they will wait for a better weather. Lesson learnt. Even under this amateur situation, the quantity and quality was okay.

    By R. Z. on 16/Feb/2017 :

    Title : NICE
    Comment : Nagyon könnyű tényleg a termesztése!

    By G. F. on 13/Feb/2017 :

    Title : Ottima
    Comment : Resistente e forte in outdoor

    By A. M. on 13/Feb/2017 :

    Title : Easy bud
    Comment : Looking so healthy and big Wen growing

    By O. G. on 10/Feb/2017 :

    Title : Easy bud
    Comment : Vraiment tres Facil et rapide 2/3 graine on atteint leur fleuraison dans 3 semaine coupage moullé

    By G. N. on 10/Feb/2017 :

    Title : EZ and fast!
    Comment : Small, petite yet strooong and veeery fast-growng plants are born from these seeds!!!

    By A. S. on 09/Feb/2017 :

    Title : outdoor grow
    Comment : outdoor grow ertag 45g trocken

    By M. F. on 27/Jan/2017 :

    Title : spoko
    Comment : bardzo spoko nasionka polecam

    By C. C. on 27/Jan/2017 :

    Title : EASY
    Comment : First- Never transplant an Auto, let her grow in the definitive pot.(Smart pot is just the best) 2- Growing with all mixed soil, they don't need grow fertiliser, all included already in the soil. 3- Give half flowering nutrients than photoperiod variety, when you see the first pistils, or even nothing at all, in order to see it grow and bud naturally. 4- Watch it grow 5- Dry the plant until the branch snaps easy and directly. 6- Put it in glass Jar, and open it 30mins/1h every day for ten days. 7- Smoke it EASY ! In one word: EASY.

    By M. E. on 25/Jan/2017 :

    Title : EASY BuD
    Comment : Die Easy bud wird ihrem namen zu 100 prozent gerecht! guter grow

    By J. H. on 23/Jan/2017 :

    Title : Easy Grow
    Comment : Does what it says - grows under hard conditions nicely and easily. One of the plants ended up having two main stems because of a growth error - which caused luckily more result

    By I. A. on 23/Jan/2017 :

    Title : Semplice e veloce
    Comment : Una pianta che fa quasi tutto da sola tranne che darsi l'acqua..Cresce tranquillamente in vasi piccoli quindi adatta a primi impianti.veramente facile

    By H. L. on 17/Jan/2017 :

    Title : EZ bud
    Comment : Nice plant! Really enjoy it last summer! EZ grow, recomend 4 first time growers, nice buds and reat taste. RQS rock!

    By F. #. on 16/Jan/2017 :

    Title : Mr
    Comment : Good weed, good buds. Very fast) Like it!

    By T. W. on 11/Jan/2017 :

    Title : Easy Bud
    Comment : Zufrieden wie immer

    By M. M. on 09/Jan/2017 :

    Title : Excellent
    Comment : RAS

    By C. V. on 04/Jan/2017 :

    Title : Lekker makkelijk
    Comment : Makkelijke plant! Zet 'm lekker in de zo'n geef m goed water en wat liefde en je krijgt een prima wietje! Mogen ietsje dikkere toppe op komen maar toch prima voor dat geld!

    By D. W. on 03/Jan/2017 :

    Title : Easy bud
    Comment : The name says it all.easy grow from all 3 seeds nice smoke

    By S. N. on 02/Jan/2017 :

    Title : The fast one
    Comment : Its a vigorous strain, very fast, and good everyday smoke, NICE aroma....

    By C. R. on 23/Dec/2016 :

    Title : great
    Comment : great

    By A. E. on 21/Dec/2016 :

    Title : Perfetta
    Comment : Pianta robusta e resistente! Ottima resa anche senza grandi attenzioni! Consigliatissimi!

    By M. D. on 20/Dec/2016 :

    Title : Easy bud
    Comment : Easy to grow nice bud to smoke rqs i like fast deliverys! Free stuff great!

    By J. R. on 09/Dec/2016 :

    Title : Easy bud
    Comment : Siempre bien con royal queen seeds

    By J. M. on 24/Nov/2016 :

    Title : Easy bud
    Comment : All 6 germinated and are growing rapidly! So far so good :)

    By M. W. on 18/Nov/2016 :

    Title : Great one
    Comment : Ca one week today 5 Werks great one

    By N. M. on 31/Oct/2016 :

    Title : Ottima
    Comment : Mi sono arrivati 3 semi gratis con l'altro ordine, tutti germinati dopo 3 giorni e con i primi prefiori dopo solo 19 giorni! Le piante crescono molto velocemente sane e forti! 60gg dalla nascita al taglio, non male come gusto! Grazie RQS!

    By S. M. on 31/Oct/2016 :

    Title : Sman
    Comment : Very nice plant to grow great for beginners

    By J. H. on 14/Oct/2016 :

    Title : Easy bud, I easy grow easy smoke, easy!! ¡
    Comment : Germed overnight in the quick start cubes, growing well under a 250hps well recomended

    By T. N. on 13/Oct/2016 :

    Title : EASY
    Comment : ging quasie wie von selbst... unter einer 150watt ndl sinds je 25g geworden

    By J. H. on 10/Oct/2016 :

    Title : nice plant
    Comment : i really like this plant cause it was really easy to grow and it smells so good

    By J. P. on 10/Oct/2016 :

    Title : Very good
    Comment : Thanks fast plant

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