
What Is a High-Functioning Stoner?
High-functioning stoners are real and plentiful—you just don't hear about them so much because they're normal people! Here, we take a look at what defines a functioning cannabis user, and how you can become one.
Key points:
- High-functioning stoners are self-aware stoners.
- They know how to control their cannabis use.
- They know which strain(s) to use, and when to use them.
- Functioning stoners know when not to use cannabis.
How to function while high? This is a pertinent question that, it transpires, can be answered! And we’re here to do just that. High-functioning stoners are real and plentiful. In this article, we look at some key traits of functioning stoners and then dish out some tips regarding how to become one.
What Even Is a High-Functioning Stoner?

The term “high-functioning stoner” tells a whole story of its own. We can only even conceive of a stoner being high-functioning because of the cultural trope of stoners being low-functioning. In reality, a so-called high-functioning stoner is just a person who functions normally. They might excel, or they might lead an ordinary life. The key is that their cannabis use does not hold them back; it doesn’t get in the way of leading a rich and fulfilling life.
We all know the stereotype of a stoner who can’t get off the sofa, lives in squalor, and squanders their life. But while there might be a grain of truth in this for some people, there is a whole spectrum of cannabis users out there, and some of the most fulfilled are those who have developed ways of using cannabis that complements their lives. And there are plenty of them!
The truth is, people from all walks of life use cannabis. And if we flip this around, people who use cannabis can lead all sorts of lives. Many of them are happy and successful.
What’s the Difference Between a Pothead and a Stoner?
Slang terms abound in all subcultures. Some are chosen by the members of that community themselves, while others are forced upon them and usually have negative connotations. “Pothead” generally connotes someone who has what would nowadays be referred to as a cannabis use disorder (CUD). That is, someone who has a problematic relationship with cannabis.
A stoner, on the other hand, is a more general term. How much do you have to smoke to be a stoner? Who knows. It’s up to you! For those opposed to cannabis use, “stoner” more or less correlates with pothead. But stoners also claim the term for themselves and wear it proudly. In this reading, a stoner can just be someone who loves weed—it doesn’t tell us anything about how they lead their lives or exactly how much they smoke.
Terms developed within the cannabis community include “functioning stoner” and “cannabis enthusiast”. The former actively combats the idea of stoners being dysfunctional, while the latter attempts to approach cannabis use from a different perspective entirely. People who love wine don’t go around calling themselves alcoholics, do they? They prefer the term “wine enthusiast”. So why not say the same for cannabis users?
What Are the Traits of a High-Functioning Stoner?
The traits of a high-functioning stoner are as diverse as those who use cannabis. In a way, the most accurate definition is someone for whom cannabis is not a negative force in their life.
With this in mind, we can highlight some positive traits that indicate someone might be a functioning stoner; understanding these will allow anyone to use cannabis in a healthier, more beneficial way. Let’s take a look.
- Moderation and Self-Awareness
- It’s crucial to understand your cannabis use and moderate it accordingly. This will mean something different for each person, so it’s not about using an arbitrary scale, but rather about understanding how cannabis affects you in different contexts. What are the positive effects, what are the negative effects, and how can you manage them so that cannabis has a net positive effect on your life? High-functioning stoners know the answers to these questions.
- Responsible Consumption
- Any high-functioning stoner knows when not to consume cannabis, and finds it easy not to do so. They naturally avoid cannabis when they know it won’t be beneficial to them. At first it may take practice, but it will eventually become second nature.
- Active Lifestyle
- Leading an active lifestyle is a crucial element of being a high-functioning cannabis user. Whether you consume cannabis or not, there is no doubt that being active improves every aspect of life. And if you like to use weed, then it’s equally important.
- Focus and Creativity
- People who use weed in a beneficial way are able to focus, be creative, and pursue projects. Some may consume cannabis to help with this, while others may only use it to relax. It’s up to you to find out what works best.
- Adaptability
- If you get stuck in usage patterns that persist even when they’re not healthy, then you’re probably not a high-functioning stoner. People with a healthy relationship with cannabis are able to change their usage as context and life demand. Even the healthiest relationships change, and you need to be able to change with them.
5 Tips for Being a High-Functioning Stoner
So, we now know a little about the traits of high-functioning stoners. But what about some straightforward tips to get us on the right path? Ultimately, it’s about self-awareness, but there are some key factors we can work on right away that help us to lead a high-functioning life with weed.
Finding the Right Strain(s) Is Paramount
Pick the right strain! Be mindful—how does a certain strain actually make you feel? There’s a difference between loving how blazed a strain makes you, and finding a strain that is conducive to a high-functioning life. So explore and maybe consider dialling down the THC content. Sometimes less is more!
Keep Moving (and Hydrated)
Be active and drink plenty of healthy fluids. You don’t need to perform rigorous exercise, as some people just don’t vibe with it. But there are plenty of ways to use your body. Go for walks, go for a gentle swim, go dancing, join a boxing club, go to the climbing centre; the list goes on!
Just move your body, and you’ll become more in tune with it. It doesn’t matter how you do it.
Timing Is Everything
Choose the right moment! Be realistic about when you can enjoy and when you should abstain. If you find yourself consuming cannabis at times when it’s detrimental, then you probably don’t have the healthiest relationship with it. It all depends on how it affects you personally, but the vast majority of people would do best to avoid meetings, classes, family dinners, and other such obligations while stoned.
Also, what time of day works best for you? Do you function properly being high throughout the day, or do you need to wait until you’ve nothing left to get on with before you smoke up? Everyone is different, so check in with yourself.
Grow Your Own Weed
Growing your own weed has numerous benefits. Primary among them is that it’s highly cost-effective. A high-functioning user of any substance is also one who doesn’t get themselves in a financial pickle over it, so growing can help to mitigate this issue.
Perhaps more importantly, you control your own supply. You can grow exactly the weed you want; you’re not at the mercy of anyone else, meaning you can consume the strain that works best for you at all times.
Before you embark on a growing endeavour though, check out the local laws and figure out the best way forward. A functioning stoner also doesn’t end up in legal trouble!
Take a Slow and Steady Approach
Be gentle with your intake. It’s easy to form a high tolerance to THC with prolonged use—requiring you to smoke more or stronger weed to achieve comparable effects—so using a little at a time can actually pay dividends.
You can also use low-dose edibles to give you a longer-lasting, subtle effect that has fewer peaks and troughs. This can be particularly helpful for those who consider themselves medical users.

Are There Any Potential Risks or Downsides to Being a High-Functioning Stoner?
There are of course downsides to using any drug on a regular basis, no matter how mature and aware your usage is. To pretend otherwise would be naive. However, it’s not so much about avoiding all negative side effects as it is managing them in such a way that they don’t outweigh the benefits.
Here are some potential downsides:
- Mental health problems: Cannabis can cause or exacerbate anxiety, paranoia, dependence, and other mental health issues in all users, at any time. Some people are just more prone to them, due to biology and lived experience. You just need to ask yourself how you really feel when you use cannabis. Identifying the right situations and the right strains is key to mitigating these effects.
- Physical health effects: Smoking regularly is bad for you. There’s no way around that, even if you avoid tobacco. If respiratory health problems are a concern, consider vaping, edibles, or tinctures.
- Social and professional stigma: Cannabis is still judged negatively by many people. Sometimes, a conversation might be in order; other times, people will just be stubborn. We’d recommend abstaining when around those who have anti-weed prejudice, as it’s not fun being high when you have to keep it a secret.
- Legal considerations: Sadly, cannabis remains illegal or controlled in many places. This means that we can’t be as open about our usage as we’d like. So to stay safe and happy, use cannabis safely and in environments where you know you don’t have to worry.
Is It Possible to Maintain a Successful Career While Being a High-Functioning Stoner?
Many people flourish in life and in their careers while using cannabis. In fact, many claim they flourish because of cannabis. Take Richard Branson for example, he’s used cannabis for most of his life and, by most people’s definitions, is wildly successful. However, even the most ardent cannabis lovers know how to respect boundaries. So be mindful of when and where you get blazed.
Cannabis use does not oppose a high-functioning, successful, and happy life. The key is to control your usage, be aware of yourself, use the right strain, and remain flexible and adaptable in your usage. Don’t let the tail wag the dog!